thinking about it


I am really considering about going to a comunity tank,with an aggressive tank I really cant add any inverts or anything I might just trade in the humu and the scorpionfish for some small angels or something, I really miss having my shrimp and crabs in the tank. Have anyone else converted from aggressive to community tank. Its boring just looking at the same 3 fish all day long


Active Member
Aggressive systems really limit you in terms of what you can keep, especially desirable inverts. Also, given the potential size of most aggressive/predatory fish, unless your system is really big, you end up with just a couple fish. I gave up my aggressive fish a few years back, opting instead for a community tank. Never looked back. I can have a greater variety of color, some nice small fish for interest and the larger ones aren't killing everything else in the tank. Aggressives are great but you have to commit to them and forego everything else.


That's what I wanna do add more color 3 fish in a 75gal isnt enough for me i need a variety of fish and inverts. I love my aggressive fish I had them almost 3yrs but i think its time for a change.