I'm toying with the idea of seeling my 220glasstank(only if the price is right) with a 40 gallon sump, home made stand, a mag 36,six foot power compact 2 96 watt smart bulbs,berlin 250 protien skimmer, 400lbs of live sand, 150lbs of live rock.
The fish are for sale also.clown trigger, dog face puffer, striped puffer, humma humma trigger, undulate trigger, eibl's angle, cinnamon clown. Make me an offer.Local sale only. Will not break up package.
The fish are for sale also.clown trigger, dog face puffer, striped puffer, humma humma trigger, undulate trigger, eibl's angle, cinnamon clown. Make me an offer.Local sale only. Will not break up package.