Thinking about starting a nano reef tank



Ive been looking at the 24 gallon aquapod tank but am not sure if the lighting will be suitable for a reef tank. There is one tank with 64 watts in it and then there is the HQI that has 150 watts in it.

I was curious if the 64 watts would be suitable for the 24 gallon tank. Im not thinking that it will so im thinking i am going to but the HQI, i just wanted to get some advice before i spend the money.
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Spend the money for the hqi, it is WAAAAAAYYYYYY worth it and after about 6 months with 60w you would kick yourself when you spent another 350 to upgrade to the hqi


Originally Posted by peef
Spend the money for the hqi, it is WAAAAAAYYYYYY worth it and after about 6 months with 60w you would kick yourself when you spent another 350 to upgrade to the hqi
Thats what i was thinking, i would hate to compromise, spend less money, and in 6 months have to completely rebuy a new tank because i was dissatisified.
Thanks for the advice, im really looking forward to starting it in the next few months. I have a 55 gallon fish only setup and have very quickly become addicted!!!


Active Member
Yeah, I have a 24g nano and I just bought a 150w Mh for $250 and a chiller for $350 so I am always going to start with the highest quality I can from now and if I can't afford it from the start I will wait and save. Good luck!


Active Member
I recently purchased an aquapod 24 and it has the stock pc lighting. You can keep anything except sps and clams and some anenomes under this lighting. I figured I would get it like that and you can always take the hood of later and add the sunpod to it. It is only 169 with the pc lighting so I said WTH and got it.
So far, I love it. I wasnt sure I would after having a 180 with all of the bells and whistles, but I really enjoy the sleek look of the hood. And it helps to keep the fish in, unlike the open top with the sunpod on it.
Pretty much comes down to individual preference and depends on what type of corals you are wanting to keep. But if you get the metal halides , you will probably need a chiller which will run ya around $250 or more.


So the stock 64 watt lighting in the 24 gallon aquapod would be suffecient for keeping polyps, mushrooms, and ricordea's? Thats all i was really wanting to keep, none of the hard corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
So the stock 64 watt lighting in the 24 gallon aquapod would be suffecient for keeping polyps, mushrooms, and ricordea's? Thats all i was really wanting to keep, none of the hard corals.

yes, it is fine for zoo's, shrooms, leathers, hammers, frogspawn, torches