Thinking of adding new fish, some advice first....


New Member
Ok, so have a 90 gallon bow front. Had it up and running for well over a year now.
Looking to add either a foxface or some banggai cardinalfish, or both if it wont overrun my tank.
Heres what I have now:
-Blue Hippo Tank (about the size of a dollar bill)
-Yellow Tang (about 7-8" circumference)
-Ocellaris Clownfish (about 4-5" long)
-Mandarin Dragonet
-Electric Blue, Domino, Threestripe damselfish (I KNOW, get rid of them. They are each only the size of a nickel right now. I like them and seem to be the ones picked on in the tank right now. And yes, When they get a little bigger they are going to be taken out)
-Flat Anemone and a LT Anemone
-Coral Branded Shrimp
-Good amount of healthy and growing corals
-Some Turbo Snails, Hermit Crabs, and an Emerald Crab
So back to my questions:
Can I add a foxface and the Banggai?
If so, how many banggai is a good number...was thinking 2 or 3
and lastly, out of context. In the future want to get a goby or Blenny. How are they with the Mandarin?
Thank you in advance for your advice