thinking of getting a clam


im intrested in getting a clam but not shore if i wanna maxima or crocea and i need requirements to owning one like lights and flow and what do you feed them i have 6 t-5 under indivual reflectors


I have a Crocea under the same lighting setup, placed up high on a rock and it's doing great. So as far as lighting, you're ok if you place the clam up high.
For feeding, it depends on its size. Smaller clams need to be fed phytoplankton more often than larger ones. Mine is about 4" and I feed it once a week.

nacl freak

I have the same type of lighting. My crocea is high up on rocks.
Clams are filter feeders. I feed my crocea DT's every 3rd day. They need strong flow.[but not DIRECT flow] Once placed, if they are happy, they will secure themselves to the rock. If unhappy they will jump off.
Maxima's need to be placed in sandbed. I love my clam.
It's colors are amazing.You need to keep your Ca, Mag and alk up to keep happy clams.


Active Member
crocea and maxima need the same requirement. i hv 3 on my rock under 6x54w t5. u can put them pretty much anywhere with medium or low indirect flow. they dont need to be fed if u hv lots of fish in ur dt. but if u must, feed phyto 1x a week.


Crocea clams can take some medium flow. As long as the mantle isn't flapping around, it'll be ok.