thinking of getting anemones


hey i was thinking of getting an anemone and dont know what lights to get and how much they cost
i also dont know what anemones are good with most fish
i have: a rusty angel
a maroon clown
an ember blenny
2 cleaner shrimp
and 2 peppermint shrimp
i am also thinking of getting corals and heard that anemones can sometimes kill coral?
i dont know where i heard this or if this is true


And the size of your tank is......what

And yes an anemone sting can kill some corals.


I couldn't possibly make any guarentees that any coral would not be subject to harm by any anemone.
However, I have had them living right next door to xenia, frogspawns, mushrooms, starpolyps, button polyps and leathers of different kinds. The only time that the anemones damaged any coral was when their colony grew. In other words ~ As my colony of BTA's grew then the star polyps that were near them receded away from them. Otherwise I've had anemones move and park right against my frogspawns and leathers without harm.
Results may vary
For a 75 gallon you would be fine with say 440 watt VHO fixutre and say a BTA. Unless you get an anemone that is sand dwelling like an LTA, then you might consider some MH type of lighting or VHO/MH combo. The lighting I have is 940 watts. 440VHO/500MH combo that used to be on a 75 gallon tank, now its on a 90 gallon.


48" 4 Lamp VHO Retrofit Kit (w/ ARO Model 4L ballast)
Bulb1: URI Super Actinic VHO (+$20.95)
Bulb2: URI Actinic White 50/50 VHO(+$23.95)
Bulb3: URI Super Actinic VHO (+$20.95)
Bulb4: URI Actinic White 50/50 VHO(+$23.95)
Total without shipping 258.80
None of this is for fancy dual timers or moonlights, The 4 bulbs are either on or off all at one time.
But this also depends on if your 48inch hood can handle a 48 inch bulb+endcaps which I believe comes out to 49.5 inches, there is also a 46.5 inch bulb and fixture if you like.