Thinking of selling, how much is mine worth?? any help??


New Member
Hello and thank you for looking and my thread. I was thinking about selling my aquarium and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark figure as to what it could be worth. This is what i have:
a penguin 400 filter
an airdriven skimmer
a heater
about 60 lbs of live rock(mostly fiji one tonga piece)
a feather duster attached to a live rock
a 7 inch X 4 inch christmas tree rock
an arch-eyed hawk
a barred goby
a maroon clown
a large sponge crab
an emerald crab
a 5inch X 5 inch live rock with approx. 30 polyps
a 29 gal tall tank
2 airpumps
all the chemicals i have left
and food


Active Member
What type of lighting? I would think about $100.0 would be tops on what you could get unless you had VHO or PC lighting..


Active Member
Actually no, I am not retarded. The fact is that people want extremely good deals from these boards and not just an okay deal. $100.00 will be the most that he can get because their is always better deals out their and those are the deals that people look for. If the lights are nice then he could get probably $50.00 more but it is only a 29 gallon tank. A better way to get rid of the system is to part it out.


60lbs of lr - 3 dollars a lb = 180 which is a really good deal considering most people have to pay 8-10 dollars a lb. he has a couple corals which are probably worth 15 bucks a piece. That comes to thirty. The tank and light are probably worth 30-50 bucks. So that what a total of 230-250 bucks not including his fish, heater and the other small stuff. Go price it at a lfs.


Active Member
Look man, the guy asked for prices. look through the classifieds and see what people in the past posted and how many people replied. I know it's worth alot but that does not mean anything if people don't want to spend much money on a 29 gallon tank. put what you think he should sell it for and when no one replies exept to see if he'll part it out then maybe you'll quit thinking retail and start thinking used tank on a message board. No one said that you could'nt put a price down
I have a 55 gallon acrylic with basic stand, canopy, heater,LS,LR, filter, skimmer, some corals including a Rose Anename, Large clown fish and a few damsels. I am asking way less than $100.00 and have had no replies because there is not many reefers around me and summer is a hard time to sell stuff. I am sure eventually I'll sell it for the price I am asking but unless you basically give stuff away on these boards you have to just wait for awhile.


Active Member
Parted put, he might be able to get $400 for everything...
All together....$100.00
I picked up a 46 Corner Hex tank, stand, glass top on this board for $150.00 with 40lbs of LR, LS, Yellow Tang, Choco Star, six line wrasse, 2 clowns. Fluval 304, Prizm Skimmer, PC Lights, Peguin 400 hob, power strips, some food.


I was thinking I saw the Penguin 400 but I meant to say 350. for the Emperor 400 I've seen it for $35.99