Thinking of starting a new club at my school


Active Member
I Want to start a reef club in my school. Does any one else haev one? I know some people have clubs, what do u do? It has to be related to school some how so i was thinking science. I was thinking the club could have a tank and sare experiences and give help. Any ideas would be great.


.... I can see the "reefer" banners now... approved by the principal! Come to think of it, I blurily remember a club like that in my high school ;)
I'm sure you're have lots of people wanting to sign up.


Active Member
I am almost positive i can start the club but what wuold we do be sides start a group tank, tell each otheres experiances.?


If you could get a couple people to start it up, you could use it just like we do this board, have meetings, inform about new fish/corals every week, have frag swaps, inform about setups, etc.
btw, did i hear something about reefers.:D


Active Member
Yeah frag swaps!! I would start the club. I will have to look inot it tomarrow. Have to find a sponser
What a cool idea. I wish there was a club or even a tank in my school when I went. But see if you can do this.
I was talking to my LFS the other day. There was another coustomer in there getting a 30 gal. tank and some pumps and other things to start up a tank at her school. She was a teacher. Apparently the LFS is giving the teacher this stuff for free and writing the expense off as a tax donation. So you may be able to get the supplies pretty cheap BUT don't be to greety in doing this. Ultimatly it is up to the LFS to decide how much and what they are willing to write off. The teacher was starting to push it when she wanted salt and other things when the LFS was only going to give the teacher enough to start up a fresh water tank.


Thats a good idea guppy has. Defnintely go around to LFS with your teacher/sponsor and present to them what you are starting up. Maybe they'll be able to help.


Active Member
Yeha either that or the sponser can use school funds, and with the club we will have a due to go tords this group tank.
But if u know what i mean other clubs have competitions or services. I wouldnt want to have this club, go to a meeting and be like uhh this site has good stuff. U know what i mean there kinda has to be a purpose or soemthing to do. Thats what i need for ideas.??


yeah i would'nt.....i was made fun of during high for being so thrilled by my multiple salt water and fresh wate tanks. If you have a lot of other people in your school then why not, but if you are like me, which have no other friends into reefs then why bother.


Active Member
Be careful setting up a tank at school. Asking for trouble there.... No telling who will come in contact with said tank and screw things up unless it will be in a secure location.
Set up cotw,fotw, support group/emails, trade corals, talk about ideas, etc. etc... Could easily be a half hour to hour meeting. Could also include freshwater too. Reefs are expensive in high school unless yo uwork at the store.



Originally posted by bdhough
Be careful setting up a tank at school. Asking for trouble there.... No telling who will come in contact with said tank and screw things up unless it will be in a secure location.

Adding on to this, setting one up at school would be difficult because someone would have to feed the fish during weekends, holidays, thanksgiving, xmas breaks. Then there is summer.


Active Member
Yeah the tank thing isnt a good ides, we have to do it at soe ones house, I know of 6 freshmans that haev SW tanks alone, I know there r more and we could do FW also.
I dont care if people make fun of me. I have a pair of the red,white, and blue iversons and i dont match everyday, it's so funny to here the black people say "dog u wearing those shoes all wrong" I just no no no it's cool to wear as many colors as u can not matching.:D :D


Active Member
why does it have to be a black thing???
Why cant they just be people saying "dog you are wearing those shoes all wrong"?
lol just kidding (inside joke at work);)


Active Member
6 people with sw tanks?
Dude that is cool. At my school i am the only with a sw tank.


i'm the only one that i know of that has a sw tank. all my friends like it tho. my friend jd luvs fish but sadly cant afford a tank. my other freinds dont want to spend the money, i work so i have money to start a tank but not a lot of sophmores have jobs


Active Member
Well i said a black person becuase dont u want the details?
Acually more than 6 people have SW tanks now it is 7 that i know of, and i know there r more Sw or FW tanks out there.
I dunno iam having doubts:( I just think this wont go far.
Iam getting a real job after football season ,then i can buy more stuff:D :D