This bites

So this stinks in Maine we got a nice little ice storm the other day and not to anyonez surprise we lost our power. Well my apartment got down into the 50s so I was watching my tank temp drop down the the 60s so at about ten last night I made my last effort to save everythin so I packed the rock fish shrimp and craps with my heater and power head In a 5gal bucket and brought them to my rents house who has a generator . I just hope everything lives


Active Member
oh, that sucks. i had a power outage here for 14 hours that wiped out 90% of my fish and inverts, and that was this past summer.
i went out and bought my own generator. i've used it once since that episode. it's already paid for itself. they have very quiet ones that are enough for your tank and a few other things, or loud ones that will power the whole house. i picked a whole house generator,so i could keep my fridge and computer on as well.
Originally Posted by Mr_X
oh, that sucks. i had a power outage here for 14 hours that wiped out 90% of my fish and inverts, and that was this past summer.
i went out and bought my own generator. i've used it once since that episode. it's already paid for itself. they have very quiet ones that are enough for your tank and a few other things, or loud ones that will power the whole house. i picked a whole house generator,so i could keep my fridge and computer on as well.
That is one of the few things I haven't learned the hard way. After losing power for days a few times (living out in the country has its cons) I got a generator wired into my house also.