this cant be happeneing again....


Active Member
has anyone ever heard of a disease that causes amaciation among fish because i had a midas blenny die and he looked my clown goby is looking "skeletal".the midas blenny was a "pig" for food and i fed 1 once a day then with sometimes either,squid,omega 3 brine shrimp,marine cuisine and pellet and flake food(not often).now my clown goby is skinny. i am starting to feed twice a day now and i mixed all the frozen cubes in the variety pack(above) to a cube i feed twice a is there such a disease?


:happyfish Hi, I don't know if this will help you at all, but I'm a certified vet assistant, and in dogs, and cats, that would sound like worms, or internal infection, so I would look in that direction if there are no visible lesions on the scales or eyes. I'm having a problem with one of my fish too, he's acting weird. Hope you solve the problem. Good luck, ali


Staff member
Once a day really is not enough food for most fish. What type of tank do you have and how do you feed the fish? Are you target feeding, or just putting the food in the tank?


Active Member
i have a 40 gallon tank,and i have been feeding once a day for 4 months then i started feeding twice a day a week or 2 ago because of the goby and the blennies death.the osc. clown and six lined wraase have been in their longest and have grown. the clown goby is eating a few pieces the size of his eye 2x a day.i havent really tried target feeding but i did bring the knife(with the food on it cut from frozen cube) close to him and he swam away.


Staff member
If you feel your fish are malnurished, you may want to consider going to fresh fish food. See the receipe in the FAQ Thread.
Is your tank FO, reef??


Staff member
Then the receipe in the FAQ Thread is a good choice for tank in general. All the animals in the tank needs to eat and fresh seafoods are well received with min polution.
Try target feeding your fish. I usually mix up a small block of food when I get home from work, then during the evening I put in a bit of food. This way the fish are getting several small feedings.