This Fish Tank Is Driving Me Insane


Active Member
my tank is wayyyyy toooooo fertile. what do i mean. There is too much "aquaporn" as one of my friends put it, going on in my tank. My clownfish have been spawning for a few years, but that was fine. Last week my 3 anemones all decided to throw sperm out into the water column clouding the tank for 2 day and making my protein skimmer go insane. So today i get home from going to visit a college up in Albany and my little brothers tell me that my tank really smelled so they had to spray frebreeze in the room to try to neutralize the smell. So i look at my tank and it looks cloudy all the corals are closed and not looking good. So first instinct is smell the water and it smells funky. not like nh4 but just odd. So i do all the normal tests anyway... everything comes back negative. ph 8.2, and all nitrogen based readings and ammonia come back at 0. So i look temp is fine salin is fine. So now i dont know whats going on. The best conclusion i can come up to is that the frebreeze got into the tank and is causing something funky. So i took a piece of dead coral i put in about a week ago out, thinking that could also be the problem to the cloudiness bout doubting it. So i go to my filter start changing pads once again as i did when my tank turned cloudy from the anemone sperm, and get that all fine and dandy. and then i notice my protein skimmer isnt working, i thought maybe it was just that the venturi was clogged so i took out the pump for it and started cleaning it. and then i get to the inside and see the impeller magnet seemed a little scratched. So then i thought wow maybe this can be the problem, too much metal getting into the water. So i continued cleaning the pump and then put it back together and plugged it in out of the water to see if anything happened, and the impeller didnt spin so i heard wat sounded like air escaping form somewhere so i turn it around and found this little hole, i guess a vent, and smelled it, and it smelled exactly like my tank. So my conclusion on the cloudiness was that the pump actually smoked into my tank causeing the smell and the cloudiness. Well this was all fine and dandy, until i clean up the mess i made from cleaning the pump, and look at my tank. So what do i see. My T.Crocea constricts and a plume of smoke rised from it. So i think to myself... not again. So i look a little closer and see the plume come out again and realize it doesnt really look totally like a cloud but rather a grouping of very tiny specs. So now i realize that my clam has now completely filled my water column with clam eggs. unfortunately there is no other clam to release sperm, as last week there was no anemone to release eggs, as all 3 released sperm.
anyway, i dont know what im getting at, but its overwhelming... haha, and my equiptment is taking the beating.


Wow, that sounds tough. Just 2 days a go I got a dead piece of coral and put it in my DT and now after reading this, I might take it out tomorrow. What kind of smell is it, I mean I haven't had any issue with my tank so far(knock on wood) but I would like to know what's the smell like, just in case something goes wrong in mine.
Hopefully your equipment will take all that beating and you'll be all set afterwords. Good luck!


Active Member
well i determined it wasnt from the dead coral, because i found out that the smell was coming from the pump. It was that overheating,burning of electronics smell that my tank smelled like. I just couldnt place it before i found out that was it