This is how my onyx sleeps


Has anyone ever seen this. My juvinelle onyx, I have had it for about a month, stays in the upper corrner of the tank. It even sleeps there. I have on several occasions checked to see if it was dead. It is very active, eats well but I is the goofiest fish I have ever owned. Just wanted to share.



Active Member
Mine's like they are afraid to go chill under the rocks with the rest of the crew.


All of my other clowns would park on the sand and sleep, usually in a corrner. Does anyone elses fish sleep at the surface? Maybe this is not so wierd.


Active Member
Weirdo'd think that if they did that in the wild they'd get picked off pretty quick!!


I am getting a b&w ocellaris tomorrow for it, I am hoping the new fish will straighten it out.
maybe it will teach it how to behave like a normal fish.
both my true percs sleep at the top. they do the exact same thing. now they dont leave theyre carpet anemone. but they both sleep at the top.


Active Member
my false perc also sleeps at the surface behind the powerhead..least i know mine isnt weird either lol


my false perc goes up to the same top corner every night when the lights go out. i thought it was a little strange but i am glad to see he isnt the only one that does it. lol.


So from all the feed back it seems this is somewhat normal for perculas. It is just odd, mine really look dead floating on it's side at the surface.


Today I added a black and white ocellaris. They are both asleep now, next to each other, on their side at the surface go figure.
gotta love these guys.


Active Member
My baby Picasso's sleep like that. Rarely I see them anywhere near the bottom during lights-off. The older pair of clowns sleep under their frogspawn.


Active Member
When I introduced a male to the tank he slept like that, because they wouldn't let him near the good places to sleep.


My True Percs, go darting over to their corner the minute the lights shut off. In the beginning they would get startled and flop over the edge of my biocube and into the sump area. Baffled me for days how they would sleep like that, but from the responses, definately a normal occurence.


I have never seen my percs sleeping which is weird because I'm sure they must sleep. Don't all multicellur animals sleep? But I check my aquarium anytime I get up at night and there they are, rubbing on one of the anemones. They NEVER leave the anemones alone, never. Luckily I have three anemones so the "love" is spread around a bit. But the percs also rub lots of my corals and it is not appreciated. They actually rubbed off one arm of my torch coral.
They have also rubbed some of my zoa polyps off.


Ok, after doing some searching maybe I was incorrect
when I said "sleep". The proper term is rest. Even if we don't all actually see them at rest, they all need to rest.


I was concerned at first too, but many of my clownfish sleep like this, I even have one that sleeps at the top but vertically, and trust me, that is such a weird site.
I have one Clarkii that sleeps in a cave
One Clarkii that nuzzles craters in the sand to bare glass and sleeps there
I have black Perc's that sleep at the top
They are funny creatures, all different.