This is new... what the heck is it?

This suddenly appeared a few days ago and is growing pretty quick.
Is it an anenome? If so... what kind? It's not moving tho. Seems it will be staying put.
Any help?


Active Member
Strawberry anemone??? I dunno! too weird, where are the rocks from? the body squishy like a 'nem or bony like an LPS?
(Go on - touch it! :D)


Active Member
I do not think its a waratah anemone, well let me say this instead.. it shouldnt be a waratah anemone, they are a cold water species. If it is it needs very bright lighting metal halides to be exact and a tank temp in the 58 to 60* mark so a chiller is a must. Having said that, it sure does look like one though.
My next guess would be Cladactella Manni Aka Hawaiian Maroon Anemone, Manns Anemone or Manni Anemone. They sell them here on SWF. Does it have verracae on its under side of its disk or foot? These anemones require very turbulent water to keep them happy and their is very little success in the home aquarium.
In either case which ever one it is. If it is any one of the 2 I mentioned they are both very hard species to care for.
The LFS says the rock is Fiji rock.
Here's the newest pic. It's grown quite a bit in the last 72 hrs. It's on the back of a rock and it's slowly beginning to move toward the light (I'm guessing?).
Does this help any? I'd really love a positive ID on this thing.


Active Member
I dont know how many more opinions you will need after this. I stepped outside the box to get some help ID'ing this guy.
If you do not know who Bob Fenner is google his name, it will be evident that his ID is near 100% correct.
"I do think you may have a Cladactella manni. Bob Fenner"
Well... does'nt sound like very good news, but I sure appreciate your time and effort in getting this info to me!
If this dies, will it release from the rock, or will my cleanup crew take care of it, or do I have a future pollution problem on my hands?


Active Member
If it dies it will release from the rock. Depending on the size of it and your tank it will have the same effect as a dead fish, it just happens quicker, getting it out is recommended. If you do not want it let me know I would be happy to take it from you.