this is so messed up...


This post is gory and violent, but it really happened yesterday.
If you don't want to read it, hit back on your browser!
This is long, but run with me...
My sister had a basset hound named maudie that she got when she was fourteen, after she graduated high school she went away for college and gave the dog to a friend of the family.
10 years later...
last week
Ok so now, The lady is moving into an apartment, so she is giving maudie back to her. But she can't keep it, so my dad hatches this plan.
Yesterday was my grandparents anniversary, so he figured, hey lets just give them maudie as a present! My grandpa did NOT want a dog, my grandma really wanted a dog.
so anyway, we suprised them with the dog, and my grandfather took it outside to go to the bathroom, and everyone came to watch him reluctantly bond with his new basset hound.
So, anyone who doesn't know what a basset hound is, imagine a HUGE dauchound with big droopie ears, and a nose that could follow you to the ends of the earth...
So maudie was sniffing around and she caught wind of something underneath the shed, and was pulling him toward the shed.
Outside was Myself, my grandfather and grandmother, My sister and her husband, their 18 month old daughter, my mom and dad, and my wife, and maudie. (just counting the witnesses)
We were all watching to see what maudie had found, figuring it was a wood rat or a weasel,
Maudie was sniffing zealously at a 6 inch pvc pipe, so we pulled it out and started shaking it, and out popped 3 totally black kittens no more than 5 inches long. two of them got away, but maudie grabbed one of them and shook it, and that was the end of the poor little cat.
In that moment all of the women shreiked, and all of the men gasped... it was horrific!


It sucks that happened, but I take "Maudie" does not like cats and was doing what comes natural to her. What are you guys going to do with her now?
I have 2 sib. huskies and would love to have a cat, but my female husky does not agree. She chases them everychance she gets.
I hope everything works out ok with her.


Wheeeew :nervous: well just readng the story you said he didnt like dogs and then went out side and the dog went to the shed.. man I thought this was leading to something else cuz your title was titled gory and violent. (slingblade) Well dont worry there is this MEAN tomcat out by our house that jumped in my backyard. Needless to say with 2 hellers and a great dane he didnt make it. Come to find out MY cat was in the back yard and they were protecting her from him.


Well as it turns out, after witnessing what happened, grampa loves the dog and is gungho about keeping her, whilst gramma now doesn't want it... so its kinda funny. But maudie is in good hands!


Active Member
hahaha....good dog! It wasn't Maudie's fault. Maudie was just being a dog!
My husky is a cat chaser in the worst sense. She thinks cats are small game to hunt and kill...same with small dogs. I have to keep an eye on her around my mom's Pomeranian, or mom's dog is LUNCH.
Poor kitty though.


I too am a member of this exclusive society, but still it kinda sucks to watch a week old kitten die.
but oh well, haha


My mom has a five pound dog, (its 8 weeks old)
And they are under the impression that it is safe because "maudie won't sniff out a dog, its her own kind!"
I'd better inform them about supervision before poor little heide meets her maker, or at least meets the voracious jaws of "Maudie the Mangler"



Originally posted by Magic_Carp
Simm you got a great dane? we had two that we would breed, but then one dies from cancer
, the one we have left (his name is trunks) hes brindal..and the the one that dies (she was called Czar) she was black.
beautiful dogs if you ask em! but i must say, they do smell bad, lol... but now we have 3 little tiny wire hair dauchounds,

We have a 2 year old fawn. His name is D'Artagan. Man is he sooo human. We love him to death. Thats sad about yours. Danes are real prone to that.