This is TWICE now!!--UPDATED


I lost my clown fish this weekend, again. This is the second time this has happened. Once second he's there, the other gone, dead, nothing. There is never a body and i don't know whats happening. Could my anemone have eaten him by accident??
I did try to feed my anemone with a goldfish from ***** on thursday night, but it just died in the tank (yes i took it out), could that have started this disaster? I'm just so confused <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


I know that the sounds crazy, but make sure that you look very carefully. Once, my clown was gone for 2 days. I figured that he was long gone. I found him in my eco-system. The other time, he had flipped over into the over-flow.


Also, I don't know about feeding a goldfish to your anemone. It seems like an awfully big meal for an anemone living in a home tank. I buy raw shrimp from the store and feed small pieces to my anemone each week. He takes them immediately, it's awesome. the coolest thing happened last week when I dropped a piece of shrimp on accident, my clown grabbed it and took it back to the anemone and ate a little piece, the anemone ate the rest! Try that, it should eat it just fine.


sorry to hear you lost a fish but like the earlier post make sure you look everywhere as I have had fish disapear before and then suddenly two days later they are there again. also any chance the clown decided to go carpet surfing and you just haven't found the corpse? As for the anemone eating the clown I guess it's possible but seems unlikely.


I am pretty sure i checked the carpet and sump good enough, but now you have me wondering..... I'll have to look again tonight.


I blame all missing fish on those Bristle Worms! It may not be true, but it keeps my mind at peace :D


Active Member
What kind of anemone is in question? I wouldn't suggest feeding anything non marine to your tank ;) Shrimp, squid, scallops, ect would be closer an anemones natural diet. Is your water quality up to par? HTH


It's a long tenticle Anemone. As far as my water, it's perfect. I think it may have been that stupid goldfish. But my six line is ok, I did have a cleaner shrimp die about three weeks ago. hmmmm i'm still baffeled.


Active Member
If you have any type of power heads or pumps without some type of grill or foam protection on the intake I would check there for the clown.
Small clowns are notorious for getting sucked up into unprotected pumps.


Last night i checked the overflow, sump and skimmer and no sign of the little guy. I use eggcrate to support my lights over the tank at is cut exatcly to fit tight with all the mods. Yes i checked the carpet as well and no body has been found. I'm thinking about gettting those guys form CSI or The New Detectives to come look at any forensic evidence that might still be in the tank. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


I agree with the bristleworm theory- those guys can be pretty scary looking!! As for us, we once had an entire anenome gone overnight. Then other corals were mysteriously missing big pieces. Come to find out it was a very large Cowerie snail that was eating them at night. Caught him in the act with a flashlight. My point is, don't overlook a possible preditor in the tank. Everyone is a suspect in my book!
ive heard of large crabs that live in your live rock that you never see cuz they only come out at night and eat fish. I knew a guy who said he used a flashlight with red saran wrap around it to catch the crab in the act. He said the thing was huge! But he would come out and nab a fish and back into the rock he would go and no body would be found cuz he would eat it ;)


After having a very long email discussion with Hondo, we have narrowed it down to three possiblities after i mentioned that my emerald crab and cleaner shimp died in the last two weeks as well:
1. Bristle worm, i have about thirty of them all over my rock at night, some up to 6 inches long.
2. The anemone ate the Shrimp (whos body was next to the anemone) and the two clowns.
3. There is a mystery predator in the tank that managed to kill all three.
Take you conspiracy and run with it, what do you think happened.