This is Unbelievable!


As some of you may recall my 46 gallon bowfront started leaking a few weeks ago, it was only 2 years old. Last weekend I spent the whole day moving everything in to a brand new 46 gallon bowfront. Less than 1 week later, I noticed salt creek along the bottom of the new tank. Upon closer inspection I found a small crack in the lower corner. I cannot believe this. It's about a 3 inch crack. How quick do I need to move on this. I don't want to wake up to 46 gallons on my floor. I may be getting out of the hobby after this.


Wow, terrible luck brother, sorry 2 hear.
So this is a one-week old tank, bought brand new from a LFS or online supplier?
I would get an 80 gallon tupperware container to house everything while I try to exchange the tank. I believe most reputable dealers would swap it if it's only a week old. Tell them you started filling it last night and noticed it leaks. Clean it up and take it back so it doesn't look like you were running it.
Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
PS - make sure you clean the tupperware well with RO water. Also, to be safe get a piece of plexi and mount it inside the tupperware container where the heater will rest. Last thing you want is melted plastic poisoning the holding tank.


So sorry to hear of your luck...another thing I would check though is your stand. Maybe its off and causing some stress to the tank, therefore resulting in crack(s). Just a thought (I'm sure you already looked at that too). Def get it back to the LFS or seller for a replacement and do the last post for your livestock. Maybe a 50 long instead of a 46?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jemshores
So sorry to hear of your luck...another thing I would check though is your stand. Maybe its off and causing some stress to the tank, therefore resulting in crack(s).

The moment the OP started talking about a second tank doing it I immediately thought "the stand."
Is your stand homemade or store bought? Have you checked it with a level? Is it sitting on carpet or a hard floor?