You're still missing the point.
Snowflake eels, Chainlink eels and Zebra Morays, along with a few others are different from most of the other moray eels.
These guys have special teeth for catching and crushing shrimp, prawn,crabs and squid that actually don't work very well for catching live fish, thus many of them won't eat them at all unless they are VERY hungry (like feeding YOU once every 4 days).
I have a personal suspiscion that some of the boy eels may have sharper teeth than the females, thus MAY eat fish, but so far I'm the Lone Ranger on that one, as far as experienced eel keepers go, and I MAY be wrong (but I don't think so!**grin**)
Use care with damsels...they may be small and cheap, but they are also VERY MEAN and could end up damaging your eel.
I've seen 15 foot pythons killed by well meaning owners who put a live rat in its cage as a "treat" and woke up to find a hole chewed completely through the giant snake. They forget that if the snake is too cool, gravid(pregnant), getting ready to shed or just plain not hungry it will ignore the rat and the crustacean (shrimp/crab eating)eels are just like that with live damsels.
TRy live ghost shrimp instead for a treat, or if your eel is bigger, even a small crayfish (with the claws broken off just to be safe).