this is where I stand with my tank...


I am new to the hobby and got alot of bad advice. I have a 55 gallon that is been up for 5 weeks and it is overstocked. I have lost 4 fish, but I think it is because I bought them from a bad store. He had dead fish in his tanks even at the end of the day and the other fish are eating it. I finally went into the last store we have. They have a great selection and have lots of knowledgeble sales people who are willing to help. They did not sell me anything today. good for them. They tested my water and said that it is still cycling and keep checking it to see if it is stable. I am concerned about a possible ick problem with a blue hippo tang, cloud eye now on the pj cardinal and I had a clownfish die of possibly brooklynella. It is hard to know for sure. I had a heniochus that died too, but I am not sure of what. He looked bad.
I started too soon and overstocked. Now all I want to do is save my animals. The first step is to keep watching them for signs of problems and catch them early. I plan to get a protein skimmer, better lighting and power heads, However, I want to buy a 140 gallon tank from this store, so I want to buy equipment for that tank. I can not keep the 55 for a QT. it is too big and I do not have the room. Eventually, I will turn a room in my house into pet room where I can have a QT , HT, and a tank to mix water. All in due time. I am not going to add anything now, and will try to treat for ick, but I need to ask here, how can I treat it without hurting the inverts. I do not have a place to keep them while doing OST. I am also not comfortable doing that unless I have a step by step quideline(for dummies I guess). I also want to ask what is the best way to mix up water. Can I mix my tap with a conditioner or should I use bottled purified and mix the salt then aerate. Can you aerate with a small pump like you would with drip acclimation???? If This is not good, I could probably buy a 20 gallon tank with a pump to use as my mixing water tank. Can I buy an acrylic one so it will not crack. I have a 20 gallon with a crack in it so I feel it is useless. Can I fix it???? Any help here is appreciated. I am looking into resource books soon!!
Patti :confused:


I don't think that the store will take it back. He did take a yellow tang back, but all he did was give me a yellow tang back with the same problem only not a severe. I had to fix it on my own. I will not buy from him anymore!!!!
I want to do the hyposalinity, but I need a separate tank for the inverts. This is something I do not have. That is why I asked if there is something safe for the inverts so I can treat the ick or velvet. I am going to get at least two really good books that have been suggested to me.
I will keep everyone posted on how the tank is doing.
Sorry to ask so many questions, but that is why I am new and that is how I will learn.


Do I do the hyposalinity in the rubbermaid, or put the inverts in the rubbermaid. I got the impression that I needed to treat the tank because ick can hang out in the aquarium and sand bed at different times in the life cycle.
What temp should the heater be placed at, and is a small inexpensive powerhead ok. How long is the treatment for. I will check out the disease board.


because I have small kids and I want something with a lid. 4-5 weeks is a long time to have my fish in a container with no lid. this way we can see them too. I had a tank with a filter, heater and biowheel, the tank is cracked, but I may be able to get the exact tank. Is this a good idea, or should I add a power head to the filter. it is a 20 gallon. I do not need any rocks or new subtrate???? The tank is overstocked and I wonder if these fish will do well in such a small tank for that long.


not sure but beth said it could be brooklynella. I need to find a pic of a fish with brook to compare. I am going to start taking and posting pics so you guys can see what I have.
I am concerned that I need to treat the whole tank for brook since the clownfish died. that's where formalin dips came in, but I am a little scared to do that. the petstore said not to do it if the remaining fish are not showing signs. All I see right now is possibly ick or velvet on the hippo and cloud eye on the cardinal. the other fish look fine. Do I only need to Q the ones that show signs or all of them. the shop said the others may be able to fight it since they are not showing signs. With the ick I am concerned that all the other fish could get it??? I will get a QT tank tomorrow and use the old filter on it. It has a light, and biowheel. it has a black bottom stand, but I want to not out it on that since it is unsteady. It has been in the garage for a couple of weeks, can I rinse it off good with water, or do I need to rinse with salt water???
Beth stated that with the other fish in the display, the ick can find another host. I am just not sure if I am seeing ick, but the fish does rub itself on the rocks (hippo tang).
What is your recommendation???