This Is Why I am Not Completely Anti-Obama Yet


Active Member
He has the guts to do what Bush was too chicken to do-take on the Taliban and Al Qeada where they hide. I disagree with his healthcare, tax increases, lack of support for Israel and ultra-lefties on the Supreme Court, but all that means nothing if we don't crush the bad people who are out to kill us. He is at least attempting to cut the head off the snake. If you are a student of the Vietnam War you'll understand that he is openly, though quietly, allowing SOG type activities with the gloves off "over the fence". A good friend in Army specops has told me the guys from the Nam would love what they are doing. Words like "Hatchet Force" and "Arc light" are being used again. Unlike Johnson and Nixon, Obama is on board 100%. Say what you will of his domestic policy, Obama IS trying to win this war against the terrorists.


Active Member
The one thing you agree with him on is what gets him the most crap from the left. How dare we win.