This is why I H A T E partisan politics...

So today, 97 republicans in the House sent a letter saying they will oppose the nomination of Ambassador Susan Rice because purposely gave misleading statements following the attacks in Benghazi. They claim she either purposely lied, or was simply incompetent from her remarks five days after the attack.
I'm curious. The attacks happened in real time, as all over the middle east, there were violent protests happening because of that stupid anti-Muslim film. Given the climate and circumstances, doesn't it make sense that this attack in Libya was just like all the other ones at the time? Several weeks down the road after you get to look at intelligence and get a full grasp of the situation, then I could see if she gave bad information. That would be something to be upset about.
However, a mere 96 hours after this all happened, before anyone knew what was going on, she should be to blame for this? I don't get it. I wouldn't care if it was a Dem or Repub who told "bad information" at that time. She simply didn't know any better, just like the rest of the government.
Why now the big stink?!?
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darthtang aw

Active Member
This is why.
Apparently you have missed the details of this story.


Active Member
The CIA knew within hours this was not a random attack. If Rice didn't know that she is too incompetent to be SOS. She has the same security clearance Clinton does. If she did know she lacks the credibility to hold the position because she is a liar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501555'
This is why.
Apparently you have missed the details of this story.
So the Republicans have been slamming the Obama Administration for getting involved and showing any military support in Libya. They didn't want any troops in that region. So he sends in drones to do the dirty work, and he gets admonished for that. Stevens request more security, but if Obama would've sent in a detail of 40 - 50 Marines or Army soldiers, he would've again shown the appearance he was trying to put "boots on the ground" in a region we weren't supposed to be involved in. When there appeared to be terrorist activity growing, and attacks occuring around the Embassy, the Republican's wanted the Obama Administration to swarm the area with fighter planes and choppers, yet another indication that would make it appear the US was beginning to form a military presence in Libya. So in those two situations, the Obama Administration was "damned if you do, damed if you don't".
If Stevens felt threatened and unsafe those 11 days before the attack occurred, and he wasn't comfortable with just have local Benghazi security as necessary support, then he should've packed his bags and left the country. Plain and simple. I've had employees over in that region when there were disturbances were going on. If they felt the slightest bit uncomfortable in their situation, I pulled them out as fast as I possible could. It's just a job. There's no job out there that's more important than a life.


Well-Known Member
I guess you hate partisian politics because there are actually people who don't agree with you.
Originally Posted by beaslbob http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501710
I guess you hate partisian politics because there are actually people who don't agree with you.
No, I hate partisan politics because 97 republicans, and not a SINGLE democrat or independent were the ones who choose to make a stink out of this. If it was really that outrageous and unacceptable, someone, somewhere from across the aisle would have said something too. It's nothing more than dysfunctional political partisanship at its worst. And personally, I could care less about this woman and blocking her career path. She simply relayed information that she was given. If you wanna blame Obama, or other people up the line, I'm all for that. As they say, "Don't shoot the messenger"...

darthtang aw

Active Member

No, I hate partisan politics because 97 republicans, and not a SINGLE democrat or independent were the ones who choose to make a stink out of this.  If it was really that outrageous and unacceptable, someone, somewhere from across the aisle would have said something too.  It's nothing more than dysfunctional political partisanship at its worst.  And personally, I could care less about this woman and blocking her career path.  She simply relayed information that she was given.  If you wanna blame Obama, or other people up the line, I'm all for that.  As they say, "Don't shoot the messenger"...
You obviously have not read up on this at all.
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, said she doesn't believe the White House altered the document for political reasons. But she said she has lingering concerns about how the talking points were created when it was clear early on that the military-style assault wasn't a simple protest gone awry.
She said Congress has asked the administration to provide a detailed explanation.
Read more here:


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501712
No, I hate partisan politics because 97 republicans, and not a SINGLE democrat or independent were the ones who choose to make a stink out of this. If it was really that outrageous and unacceptable, someone, somewhere from across the aisle would have said something too. It's nothing more than dysfunctional political partisanship at its worst. And personally, I could care less about this woman and blocking her career path. She simply relayed information that she was given. If you wanna blame Obama, or other people up the line, I'm all for that. As they say, "Don't shoot the messenger"...
So you have a government official who by the president's own admission had nothing to do with the Benghazi situation go out before millions of people and give blatantly false information.There is zero doubt what she said was baseless at the time but lets give her the benefit of the doubt. Despite being asked out of the blue to promote the administration talking points on a situation she knew nothing about lets assume she didn't do any research of her own and just parroted the script the white house gave her. Within hours she was being criticized for making claims that weren't true.
SHE HAS YET TO CORRECT THE RECORD. Her credibility is in the trash. Yeah, a great candidate to be elevated to SOS.
So who is playing partisan politics here. The nearly half of the Republicans in the house who made their feelings known or the members of her own party who act like this doesn't matter and think she should be elevated to Secretary of State?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Here is the fundamental problem going on today. Our administration potentially lied to us concerning what happened. However congress voted to reduce security funding for the state department. This funding cut was spearheaded by republicans. However democrats went along with it even after Hilary stated cutting the funding would be detrimental to security in various parts of the world.
When you look at it from all angles, which i am sure none here have done, the blame sits with many facets of the government. Did the administration lie? Only if you believe the Bush administration lied about the intelligence they recieved about Iraq.
With that said...this lady is in the same exact situation another famous female named Rice was in many years ago......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501728
Here is the fundamental problem going on today. Our administration potentially lied to us concerning what happened. However congress voted to reduce security funding for the state department. This funding cut was spearheaded by republicans. However democrats went along with it even after Hilary stated cutting the funding would be detrimental to security in various parts of the world.
When you look at it from all angles, which i am sure none here have done, the blame sits with many facets of the government. Did the administration lie? Only if you believe the Bush administration lied about the intelligence they recieved about Iraq.
With that said...this lady is in the same exact situation another famous female named Rice was in many years ago......
The cuts were actually to the discretionary budget. Instead of cutting security the administration could have cancelled their fleet of Chevy Volts and 100,000 charging station they installed at another embassy and covered nearly all of the cuts.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501712
No, I hate partisan politics because 97 republicans, and not a SINGLE democrat or independent were the ones who choose to make a stink out of this. If it was really that outrageous and unacceptable, someone, somewhere from across the aisle would have said something too. It's nothing more than dysfunctional political partisanship at its worst. And personally, I could care less about this woman and blocking her career path. She simply relayed information that she was given. If you wanna blame Obama, or other people up the line, I'm all for that. As they say, "Don't shoot the messenger"...
you hate republican politics because 97 republicans disagree with you.
Ok I get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501725
You obviously have not read up on this at all.
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, said she doesn't believe the White House altered the document for political reasons. But she said she has lingering concerns about how the talking points were created when it was clear early on that the military-style assault wasn't a simple protest gone awry.
She said Congress has asked the administration to provide a detailed explanation.
Read more here:
Somebody watched Pierce Morgan last night...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501733
Yep, way better experience and wont get much in the way of opposition. But I predict 0bama will instead try to put him in a Secretary of Defense which will create a firestorm.
I vote Mitt Romney for Sect. of Defense and Sarah Palin for Sec. of State. We'll spend a half trillion on unwanted subs and fancy bombers we'll never use, and we can open up our shared borders with Russia!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501738
I vote Mitt Romney for Sect. of Defense and Sarah Palin for Sec. of State. We'll spend a half trillion on unwanted subs and fancy bombers we'll never use, and we can open up our shared borders with Russia!
Someone like Romney wouldn't be all that bad a choice for Defense. I bet you we wouldn't be buying any more 300.00 hammers or 500.00 toilet seats


Active Member
Originally Posted by beaslbob http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501732
you hate republican politics because 97 republicans disagree with you.
Ok I get it.
I hate Republican's for their verocity to push their social issues instead of finding means to fix the economy.
The Republican's will push this Benghazi Incident until Obama's last day in 2016. They have to find something to put the blame on him for. Some of the idiots think it's an impeachable offense. Can't win the popular vote or the electoral college votes for your third-rate candidate, so try to find a way to kick the winner out. Guess what? Do that and you get Joe Biden. Benghazi was an unfortunate event. There were obvious holes in the security policies, and certain military protocols may have been overlooked. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is you find where the ball was dropped and you fix the problems so it never happens again. Trying to put someone's head on a platter is a waste of money and resources. If we called out every politician that has "skewed the truth" or "fabricated the facts", you wouldn't have one single person left in Washington. You'll always have controversies in politics. That's the only way Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN can keep their ratings up.