This is wierd


My 2.25" tang has ick. It happened in a matter of hours. At about 5:00pm yesterday he had 1 or 2 spots. When I got home from having dinner with my girlfriend one side had like 30 spots mostly on one side. They were everywhere, around the eyes and all over his body. They looked like grains of salt. There was also a 2mm long white slug like creature on his fin. Ive only had him about a week.
My small tank had just finished cycling. I was going to make a nano reef, but o well. I put him in the 6 gallon. This was not easy. I had to take out 70lbs of LR to get him out of the 55 While I was at it I caught those darn damsels too. I also dropped the salinity to 1.19. Soon to be 1.009.
Today at 10:30 am I check on him and no signs of ick whatso ever. How can this be? Did that slug eat the ick? Maybe it wasnt even ick and I over reacted? What do you guys think.
Atleast I now have a quarintine tank


Active Member
I don't know about the slug thing but it sounds like you have ich. Ich goes through different stages where on day you'll see it then the next day you don't, but its still there. That was good that you lowered the salinity. Once you have it at 1.009 keep it that way for up to 3 weeks.


New Member
Hmm, seems typical to me. Ich can be on your fish in the morning and gone be the evening and then back again later that night. Ich doesn’t need that long on the fish to nourish enough to drop off and start to incubate another batch of Ich. Also, the Ich spots may have been scratched off or eaten by a cleaner shrimp, or simply fell off cause the Ich didnt have a good enough grip. Most likely I would say a little of each of these scenarios happened to you. Causeing the white spots to appear and disappear.
The slug parasite seems like it is a Cirolanid Isopod… A very dangerous type of Pod. Here is a link to more info on it.


Thanks guys. Spruce I couldnt get a pic of the cirolanid isopods. I am going to search the net right now to see if thats what I have.


Thanks guys. Spruce I couldnt get a pic of the cirolanid isopods. I am going to search the net right now to see if thats what I have.


Don't know about the pods, but tangs are notorious for ich. I lost a sailfin about 6 weeks ago. I don't think I'll be buying anymore. Good luck. Sounds like you are on the right track.