this lighting enough for open brain?


I have a Helios setup (4x55 watt bulbs, two 7100 K daylight & two actinic) and was wondering if this is enough for an open brain in an 80 gallon. what ya think?


Active Member

Originally posted by Hellspawn
I have a Helios setup (4x55 watt bulbs, two 7100 K daylight & two actinic) and was wondering if this is enough for an open brain in an 80 gallon. what ya think?

So it looks like you have 220watts on a 80 tank correct? My guess would be no, not for an open green brain, it likes a lot of light, maybe if you put it at the top? Im sure others will know better, but im pretty sure brains are very light intensive.


I would say no to the brain as well. You might be alright to put it on top of your LR but open brains would be happier if they are on the sandbed, where needs more light than the top. Plus the 2 actinic lights do not give out as much as the 10k or even your 7100k. And just to add one more note. I would suggest you change your bulbs to 10k's rather than staying with the 7100k's, your corals would love you even more. Just a thought.

nm reef

Active Member
Depending on the species of brain it may be possible. But as mentioned it would probably need to be located high in the display and as a rule they generally prefer to be on the sand bed.


Thanks for the insight guys. I will remember that about the 10k's when I need to replace my bulbs. which are the species of brain that require the least amount of light?


human brains go completely without light.
Well - for most people...