this makes no sense to me. please help


Active Member
Im trying to figure out how much extra I should give my roommate for the lighting on the tank. they included the tanks regular stuff with our rent but I want to pay for the lighting. this is the info that I get off our energy providers website. if you can make some sense out of it Ill appreciate it


Active Member
It didn't come up for me but if you're running halides I would think 30.00 would be more than fair IMO.


Active Member
yeah running 500watts of halides and deciding if I want the 192 of PCs to stay on or shut off when the halides come on. thinking of only running the halides 8hrs a day

shrimpy brains

I think if you google calculators, you should get a link that would calculate exactly how much your entire setup cost per month.


Active Member
if you run both the 500 watts of metal halide and 192 watts of power compact for 8 hours a day would cost you $0.68 a day at the rate you gave us.
so a 30 day long month would be $20.40.


Active Member
thanks culp. I just could not make sense of that chart. I plan to run the PCs before and after the halides.


Active Member
well if you runs the PC only before and after the metal halide's the price will go change a little. i figured it out at both running for 8 hours.


Active Member
well i guess i was wrong. i figured the total bill cost of running the lights alone for a bill. it includes the fuel charge.


Active Member
alright thanks. im not worried too much about everything else with the tank. that was all part of the deal when we moved, but going back to the halides wasnt so I want to give them money for that