This might seem silly


New Member
I'm still in the process doing all my research on the equipment for my first SWT before purchasing anything. I'm a little confused how the stand pipe connects to drilled hole in the bottom of the built in overflow box. Is there some kind of special coupler? An explanation would be great and pictures would do wonders.


Active Member
Mine just set in there, no seal, however I don't believe they leak much and if they did who cares still going to the same place doing the same thing.


i think the piece of plumbing eq you are looking for is called a 'bulkhead' - you can google "pvc bulkhead fitting" for pics
what size is the hole?


New Member
From what I gather, the bulkhead is the black 90 degree piece, with the teeth at the top, that sits in the corner of the tank with the hole at the bottom. The water flows through the teeth, down inside the bulkhead, through the hole in the tank to the sump. Correct???
I'm not sure what size the hole is but was just curious as to how a pipe, durso or otherwise, connects to the drain hole to run to the sump?


New Member
From what I gather, the bulkhead is the black 90 degree piece, with the teeth at the top, that sits in the corner of the tank with the hole at the bottom. The water flows through the teeth, down inside the bulkhead, through the hole in the tank to the sump. Correct???
I'm not sure what size the hole is but was just curious as to how a pipe, durso or otherwise, connects to the drain hole to run to the sump?
I know I'm probably making this more complicated than it already is but I've never seen one.


Active Member
You are referring to the overflow when you are talking about the black plastic thing in the tank with the teeth.
The bulkhead is the plastic piece that attaches into the hole in your tank that you screw or clamp your hoses too, just like Chuckcac said.


the thing in the corner with the teeth on top is the "overflow"...
is a type of bulkhead... this is what would be used to connect pipe fittings on either side of the hole once it is installed..
half goes in through the top of the hole ... and the other half connects to it from the bottom of the hole...
the stand pipe would then be threaded in through the top... and the pipe that goes to your sump connects to the bottom...
you can get these at any "home goods" store for a couple of bucks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ModestMouse
Thank You Thank you

So the bulkhead is basically the Durso?
The durso is the pipe that you connect to the bulkhead in your overflow. A bulkhead is basically just the plastic fitting that goes in any hole that you have drilled in your tank.


New Member
Sorry, posted that question after you had already given an explanation.....
Thanks you so much for that, and the picture....You have no idea how much confusion you saved me!!!

I'm getting so close now!!! I cant wait!!!


New Member
I actually havent even bought anything yet....just trying to figure it out all in my head. So I'm assuming you usually get a bulkhead when you buy a Durso??


Active Member
Not sure if they would come together or not. I believe that if you get your tank predrilled it should come with the bulkheads at the very least. If you get one with a built in overflow as well it will probably come with a stand pipe of some type, but not necessarily a durso standpipe. That is a particular style of stand pipe, like the one in this pic..


i haven't bought anything either... i've been doing all of my research about building a DIY sump/refugium & HOB overflow box... So i figured i'd pass on the info i've found...
Not sure if a bulkhead comes with the durso when you buy it... i dont think it does -
just keep in mind
-what size the hole is + what size the durso is = how big the bulk head will be
for example;
1/2" bulk head fits a 1. 5/8" hole
check out these threads - they will help answer a boat-load of questions about plumbing


New Member
Wow!! Great pic.....You dont know how many hours I spent searching old threads for that....Thanks
How are you planning on doing your sump? Can a bioballs setup be used for a sump/refugium without the bioballs?


New Member
So I'm guessing that water goes into the overflow, fills up inside of the overflow, until it reaches the durso and then goes down to the sump?
That will make things relatively quiet?
What is the other hole for? The Return?
I am loving you guys right now, you have no idea!!!!!!!!


this is the thread of my DIY sump/fuge...
i wanted to start last weekend, but the wife had other ideas about what i'd be doing....
but i want to be sure i work all the bugs out on paper before i start...
do you mean using a wet/dry for a sump? i've heard its been done before...
i plan to use live rock rubble in place of bio-balls