This morning


When I got up My neon bubble anemone had some long piece of clear colored saliva looking liquid coming from its mouth. I put the power head in his direction last night. ANyone have an idea what this is?


Active Member
Long and clear could be from stress, neon bta is a disturbing description of any anemone. But it could also just be excreting from a meal. Tough to tell based on that alone, a pic would help.


Active Member
Well whomever sold you the anemone lied to you. There are no neon bta's, and i'm sure it looks neon under atenic lighting right? Is it white under regular light? BTA's should normally be a brownish color with a hint of green when the light hits it.
Where dark is going with this is that it may be an unhealthy anemone, and without a picture it is difficult to determine if it is just 'pooping' or if it is expelling zooantha/internal organs. The later would be a sign of the anemone dying, the first being a regular occurance.
If you can post a picture that would help us out a lot, otherwise just keep an eye on it. As long as it is still reacting to things touching it and retracting at night and expanding during the say you should be okay.


yea. When i touch him with my finger he retracts. Gets small at night. Opens up during the day. He hasnt really moved since I bought him which was about 4 days ago. Is it bad to touch your anemone?


Active Member
You should avoid it. Not so much bad for you because you won't feel their sting unless it is in a sensative area like your under arm or something. But you should avoid touching your anemone with your hands, as they may have soaps, cologn, and chemicals that could kill it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Where dark is going with this is that it may be an unhealthy anemone, and without a picture it is difficult to determine if it is just 'pooping' or if it is expelling zooantha/internal organs. The later would be a sign of the anemone dying, the first being a regular occurance.

I was not referring to the fact that you buying a neon one was disturbing or that you did anything wrong, for that matter. All to often inexperienced hobbiests are sold bleached anemones under the impression that this is a desirable color and more sought after than the bland brown tan colors. This is not the case and unfortunatly you as the consumer are the one that suffers along with the anemone. I just find it disturbing that it seems this is happening more and more latley.
So, I would have to ask if this animal is white'ish almost transparent? Does the white color extend from the tenticles to the oral disk and down through the foot? And when your actinic lighting is on along with your daylights, it appears to glow neon green? These are all indications that your animal has been bleached due to insufficient lighting. And special care is needed to get it back to good health depending on how far along it is bleached.


the anemone is greenish even under the 10000k white lamp. more green under just the actinic. the foot is brown while the mouth and around the mouth are white.


Active Member
Originally Posted by freeworld71
30 gallon. WIth HO t5 running 2 24 watt actinacs and 2 24 watt 10000k. so 4 bulbs total.
Thats actually a 29gal right? A 30gal would take a 36" fixture, but a 29 is 30" long.
In any case your ok, your anem should recover under those lights. It would also benifit from supplemental feedings too. Small portions no larger than its mouth, marine diet, clams, silversides, shrimp, mysis all raw. Maybe every other day to every 3 days. This will help replenish is depleted supply of zooxanthellae and keep its immune system healthy.