this sucks!!!!


Heres my story if anyone cares to listen...have a 180 gall with 170 lb...k ...i used danzels 2 purple yellow talls and a zebra,to brake in my tank got it up andf running working good.. then i added a snowflake eel, he ate one danzel,ok heres the good part i added a queen trigger ,and a clown trigger and a lion fish i pit the loin and the clown in at the same time,lion fish was pretty big,ok then i added the queen about an hour later..i woke up the next moring and the loin fish hole back side was gone the queen ate him lol.....omg...theres my story


Active Member
I guess a lion is king of the jungle but a queen trigger is "king" of the tank???
Sorry for your loss.


Wow! Sorry for your loss, but thats bad ass that your queen trigger is that aggressive! I think it would be cool to have somethin like that in a tnank one day! :D


i love the queen trigger hes so much fun...i was reading the boards here i saw a titin trigger i might try to find,that be cool also


Active Member
thats bad ass that your queen trigger is that aggressive
Man, that is so cool to get a lionfish killed for no reason but ignorance :mad:. All queens are aggressive and it is just dumb to put them in with any fish (such as a lion) that can't fend for itself. Your queen will outgrow the 180. It will kill your eel, and possibly your clown trigger. Good luck. Bo
I hope you know just how nasty that queen really is. I seen one take live rock and make it gravel ! they grow fast have no fear of a hand in the tank. Though I still don't understand the concept of putting triggers and lions together. The lion is going to loose, just because it is poisonous does not mean it going to be able to defend it's self from a trigger.
I guess it is your money. Take the morray back before he becomes fish food, there is no way he is going to be able to compete with those 2 triggers.