My shark is about 20". The tank is a 220 and the fish are epaullette shark, yellow stingray, sfe, purple tang, sohal tang, miniatus grouper. Everything is shown in the last pic.
once again jcrim AWESOME i love ur tank dude i would love to see a video of that sweet tank :joy: lol do u think everything in there will be fine or do u think u will have to upgrade?
Originally Posted by MyThrenody
Will a eel be good in my 55gal? I read somewhere that's there's an eel that grows to 8",forgot the name of it
You could do some species of eels in a 55. A snowflake would be fine. You could try a black or blue ribbon in that size tank but they are a little more delicate. Jeweled moray should be ok too. There are others...