this will make u jealous new corals and pics


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Stunning! If I weren't claustrophobic, I'd like to dive there!
Truly peaceful.
where's my scuba gear? I'm going in!lol


Originally Posted by murph145
its hard to get a clear pic with this 20K ligting too kinda blues everything out too much
How may watts? Nice tank. Are you useing a calc reactor or do you drip kalk?


Active Member
im runing 2-250W Helios 20K HQI bulbs in PFO mini pendants powered by PFO HQI ballast.... along with another 260W of mixed PC lighting
i could probably use one more MH but with electricity out here in so cali this tanks already costing me around $100+ a month
the Helios bulbs have a great PAR rating and my corals seem to be happy i keep my softies and LPS more towards the edges and then the sps and clams more in the center
as far as a Ca reactor im using a MRC-CR2 dual chamber reactor with ARM media a jbj dual guage soleniod a pinpoint Ph monitor and a 10lb CO2 bottle
keeps my Ca right at 420 and my alk at 8-9 dkh
heres a few pics



Active Member
jeez; your cyano puts mine to shame. At least yours is a nice deep red. Mines this faded brownish color now that it's growing back after I had to cheap out and take the chemical route to get it off my candies a couple weeks ago.
All the tanks look awesome, congratulations =D


Active Member

yeah i keep fighting this stuff its kinda only on the left edge now but its still there i am trying to stay away from chemical usage so im just giving it time and as long as it doesnt spread im fine


Active Member
Awesome pieces murph... Your tank has doubled in livestock(corals) since the change huh? It looks really sweet. That cyno will go away in the next month I bet.. I got my 4way and get the DART tomorrow... can't' wait. I wish my lfs sold sps like those... I'm jealous.


Active Member
i didnt get them at the LFS though i went to the wholesalers at the airport LAX where they all get shipped to from fiji solomon islands and such
it was the craziest setup ive ever seen rows and rows and rows of corals and fish any kind u wanted was there and it was at the prices the LFS buy them for it was pretty amazing actually
that will be cool once u get to hook up your CL system i think u will like it alot!