this will make u jealous new corals and pics


Active Member
well i duno if this will really make u jealous lol but i scored all of these today and they are awesome and huge!!!!!
the tri color in the first pic is about 5" tall and about 8" wide!!!!
first pic is of the tri color on rite and my pink pocillopora on the left...
second pic is my first superman monti its about 3" wide....
third is my other superman monti i scored about same size
next is a red yuma i got this ones big!
then i got a nice yellow with baby blue tips table acro!
and then some kinda royal blue acro
and lastly i got a deep purple monti digi!



Active Member
i like the tri and yuma. never been a fan of the encrusting monti.
a local store we have sells the large tri's like that for killer prices.
they have one right now that is massive for 65 bucks. the tri's dont seem to sell very well around here. not sure why


Man, the rich get richer!!! That damn tank already puts us to shame, you had to make it even nicer?!?!?

I still wanna see you get a nice sun coral for the front though


Active Member
not rich lol just got the corals at the right price .... :joy:
thanks emmitt for the compliments im guna take some better shots later some close ups and everything
can u believe i got the red yuma for $40 the prices were rediculous


Thats a awesome price.
Didn't mean "rich" murph, just meant a phat tank gets even phatter while the rest of ours collect cyano,lol.


Active Member
lol i know what u mean mine still collects cyano too!!!! look on the left side of the tank ive got some nice lil red patches this stuff is hard to get rid of!



Active Member
yeah i was doing that!!!!
i got lucky i got my superman pieces both for $70 bucks and they are big pieces the other acrs were no more than $40 and $30 and they are all big and nicely colored


Active Member
Love the two superman montis! The wild caught colonies coming in recently can turn out to be pretty sweet.


Active Member
thanks guys!
yeah i couldnt pass them up every where i went wanted $100-80 for a lil frag and i got these big wild pieces so cheap


Active Member
heres a better pic of one of them i gotta borrow my pops camera he has a nice 9 mega pixel with some other crazy stuff all i know is that his works alot better than my cheapo 200 camera time for me to upgrade


Active Member
thanks bud!
its coming along im hopin all does well and thrives in this tank theres not much else i can do to make them any happier lol