this year is NOT going as planned...


Active Member
Well today i got home from the lfs with food for the butterfly fish..... i walked in my room and found my butterfly fish dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found a BIG red mark on her side and it looks like something took a bite out of her tail
Could it have been my eel?? But if so, my eel never hurt a fish before. Could it be a sting from my lion??


Active Member
Oh no!! I hope your LFS will give you store credit! It could have been anything in that tank, the eel, the lion, the trigger, anything. Sorry to hear about your loss!


Active Member
and just to top it all of..... my lion ate only one dead ghost shrimp (was frozen) then i tried squid, krill, and some more ghost shrimp and he didn't take it!!! God, this hobby is getting on my nerves...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
did it for a bunch of times
is he even somewhat interested? the only thing I can think to do is go to Petsmart and buy a few goldfish. It isnt a good idea to do all the time because it can cause fatty liver disease, but it will at least get him eating something.


That sucks cartman... I wonder why you're not having good luck with new fish. Filtration? What type of water do you use? Salinity? You're tank's been set up for a while so it's strange that you're having these problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
That sucks cartman... I wonder why you're not having good luck with new fish. Filtration? What type of water do you use? Salinity? You're tank's been set up for a while so it's strange that you're having these problems.

yeah dude! Maybe its the fish from the lfs?? Water i'm using is reverse osmosis, salinity is at 1.022. My filtration is emporer 400, turboflotor skimmer, 2 powerheads. I'm going to probably setup a refugium this week or next since now i have the money.


I think that your issue must be filtration. This is just my opinion. I used to run a 125 aggressive with a mechanical filter and had similar problems that you're having. Once I started using a sump (at that time it was a wet/dry), I had a lot more stability in my system and stopped losing fish. You could build a 30 or 40 gallon refugium kind of cheap and it might make a huge difference for you.


Active Member
thats what i'm in progress of doing now, but i cant find a overflow for less then $80! thats like 1/2 of my money


Originally Posted by Cartman101
thats what i'm in progress of doing now, but i cant find a overflow for less then $80! thats like 1/2 of my money

I have an extra I'd donate to your tank... just pay for the shipping.


Active Member
jcrim,, i emailed you about that huge overflow i need.. Cartman i have an extra overflow as well but it is only rater for a wet/dry up to 300 gallons, but im sure its big enough for you to use


Originally Posted by Cartman101
really! How much for everything, and does it work good, no leaks
I don't want your $$$. Actually I have a bunch of old equipment. This overflow is a single u-tube type that I used on my previous 125. Works fine... no leaks. Do you know how to start a u-tube type overflow?


Originally Posted by psusocr1
jcrim,, i emailed you about that huge overflow i need.. Cartman i have an extra overflow as well but it is only rater for a wet/dry up to 300 gallons, but im sure its big enough for you to use
Psusocr1... I also have the one I told you about. I have way too much extra equipment. Yours is a double u-tube and never been used.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Jcrim, i have no idea how to setup any type of overflow....but i'm willing to learn.
It's kind of a pain in the butt... you have to put a small airline in the tube and start the syphon yourself. I usually end up swallowing water. But if the tank isn't drilled, it's the only way to go.