thoguht i would show off


Here is a pic of my recent nano (first one) that is in my office at work.. 14g nanocube
1 Clown
1 Cleaner shrimp
1 firefish goby
1 MIA small red linka starfish
6-7 hermits
6-8 snails
Star polyp
Flower pot (that is growing amazingly fast)
pulsating xenia (that is growing great)
melon mushroom rock
red and orange polyp rock (that doesn't appear to be doing well)


It's been up and running for 2 mnths now + 2 week cycle time....
The heater is not in the chambers because the water level in the middle/last chamber doesn't stay high enough. the far right chamber does but it has the filter and I use a water polishing pad in there too...


Thats a bummer. It doesn't even come past the heating coils? That almost seems like something is wrong. Not sure though


Active Member
Do you still have the bio media (balls - rings whatever) in there? If not fill the chambers up with saltwater. Then you can stick the heater back there.
Tank looks very nice. Good stuff so far!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Farlow
Here is a pic of my recent nano (first one) that is in my office at work.. 14g nanocube
1 Clown
1 Cleaner shrimp
1 firefish goby
1 MIA small red linka starfish
6-7 hermits
6-8 snails
Star polyp
Flower pot (that is growing amazingly fast)
pulsating xenia (that is growing great)
melon mushroom rock
red and orange polyp rock (that doesn't appear to be doing well)
Very, very pretty...How old is the tank? It looks way too clean to be up for very long. LOL not a drop of algae, which is almost totally impossible. Unless you clean it with a toothbrush two Xs a day.
Mind if I suggest you move the Xenia to the rocks, it shouldn't be in the sand.