thomas & bang thank you!


thank you 4 your help today I drove all the way out to lancaster got the canister filter and drove home to find an injured but alive lta standing on top of the rocks I tore apart to get him he did loose some tentacles but some how was verry much alive with the clowns in it. thanks again for all of your moral support and guidance I was sure he was dead the amonia was .75 from yesterday when I'd checked it and it was 0 well 6 hours drive time at least the mechanical filter was replaced I still just can't believe he's alive.the water was just so clouded with what I thought to be decayed tissue and it still could have bien he did loose tentacles he was stuck i think?
there was alot of tissue loss though.
thank you guys for yur words of wisdom


I suggest that the anemone is not out of the woods yet, keep us informed and give us a review on how the new canister filter works.


One other thing while I'm thinking about it, do you know what your turnover rate is?


350 gph
he actually looks a little more cream tan than he had when she;d brought him home. less white and not as transucent now. can I do anything to help his wounds?
no doubt this animal is going to have troubles he has had much slough to one side wish I still had my camera to give you a pic for better suggestions. welll the water change and ammo quell might have helped the others at least. although I do know it is not a good idea to indescriminately use chemicals. would he throw enough toxin off whil he was alive to cause a spike to .75 in amonia? or is there something else I'm missing? he did loose several tenticals and abraided his one side quite well he really must have bien trapped back there. thanks for taking the time to help out!
I was sure he was gone already.


You relize that you need about 900+ GPH total turnover rate or were you just talking about the canister? Got powerheads?


the power heads are 1200's respectively and there are 2 behind the rocks one just purchased not put in yet that is only 600 although I'm going to plead ignorance because I may be wrong in assuming that the model#' correspond with the out put
provided. why did he just slough like a loud of dust in the water? is that the way they perrish? he did eat for what it's worth 3 pieces of krill small and the lights are still on t stim photosynthises because he could really have gotten none for the past several days


that was when I'd noticed that the color was improved from a light off white to a cream and now oks to be a light tan in color so I hope that is helping some
i think he got pinned between the flow of the power head and the live rock i did put a ?difuser in the 2 to eliminate a direct current from just taking him again that is what it looked te night he was releaed floated swiftly in the curent then behind the rock formation but this is only hind sight and that doesn't help him now didn't help that thr rocks slid when I ws trying to get to him as I said earlier I don't know that I didn't get him with that too


Could have been acclimation shock.
Any idea of length of time from LFS to your Aquarium?
Since you did not pick him out it could have been a poor speciman. You have no idea what happend to him before the LFS or how long he was there.
Could the rocks have shifted to pinch him without your knowing it?
It could be alot of things so I can only guess.
If he looks literally like melted ice cream then its over.


i know where she got him and it is only 10 minutes away her dad said she'd floated him for a half hour but I doubt severely that it was drip acclimated at all maby a hole torn in the bag or maby just dumped in ron wasn't sure. what I saw was that it tumbled through the tank like it had asoluttely no body orweight in 15 secongs it was tossed all ABOUT sorry caps loch is funky and then he was gone behind the rocks. I couldn't see him after that
our local live fish store makes the worst web sight look like a diamond in the rough in comparison and they are always severely bleached in their tanks no roper lighting at all and that is why I didn't question a period of adjustment I only went looking because I'd seen for lack of a better word a puff of white. he must have hid well enough to be out of my way but the waterwhere he was was severely clouded and then whenI moved the rocks it was worsened 10 fold but white so I really thought hed desinagrated and I feel the sting from them as mild as it is because Ive gotten allergic reactions . so when I'd had my hand in I was sure he was a gonner


not melted ice cream more abraided with tenicals that looked torn off ont completly but part way do thet produce a remarkable ammount of "slime" because I'd suctioned the tank and did get what I thhought to be tissue and in the bucket it looked like alot like at least 15 to 20 cc's white muchousy
looking. with at least 3 tenticals that were "mush" and clearer like when she'd brought him home almost translucent in color and verry pale almost white in color