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My bta has been acting weird the past week or so. He does not come out much and keeps his foot inflaited upside down. Is he in trouble? I noticed his foot is not round, it almost looks like two anemones glued together. Could he be spliting? I can get a pic but I cannot figure out how to resize it. Any help would be great.


75 gal 130 watts 50/50 pc and 175 Mh lighting. Amonia-0 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 Ph-8.0 usually 8.2 Salinity 1.25. All other's are doing fint my other anemones which is an florida condi is doing great. One thing I noticed lastnight my clownfish has taken up with the bta. Lastnight is the first time I ever seen him around the bta. Now this morning the clown will not leave the bta alone, kinda like he knows something is up. I took pics this morning hopefully I could email them to ya and see if you can see the two feet I think I'm seeing.


Post the pic's here if you can.
Sounds like it's new to being visited by your clown fish which is why its not coming out so much right now, least that would be my guess.
I'll have to wait for your pic to figure out what "inflated upsidown" means though.
I don't see your alkalinity or calcium scores, very important with anemones.
With as many anemones as I have I've seen some crazy ways that they have attached their pedal disc to the rock, rocks, rock and wall, wall to power head, heater, name it, and it can look pretty strange sometimes.
Normally you won't catch them splitting because they like to do it at night while your sleeping.


I came home today and it looked bad, I picked it up and it was rank. I had to dispose of him. My tank is a mess now. I am about to the breaking point, it seems I'm constantly having troubles. My cal is 600 high I know, I cant really get it to come down and I have no way to test my alk. It seems that no pet stores around here care for swf.


Sorry to hear about the melt down, what salt are you using and are you dosing any thing?


You can use a buffer to raise your alkalinity, but just don't use it to raise pH.
You might even test your NEW water change water before you go and do the water change. See what the cal and alk come out as.
You really need to get an alkalinity test kit, salifert would be a good one to have.


I'm trying to find a alk test local. I should have had one along time ago. I did a 10 gal water change yesterday and cal went from 600 down to 520, I was wondering I've did a couple w/c and could not see any difference in cal till yesterday. Hopefully I can find a alk test today locally.