Thomas help with BTA


Active Member
I changed my cc to sand yesterday and i put a hang on back filter in there over night i got up this morning and my BTA was stuck in the filter i carefully cut him away because it was amlost 1/2 to 3/4 stuck in the filter tube. Bad mistake leaving it in there over night. Anyways i cut it off the nasty lookign parts and put him back in my tank. Now he looks fine but whats this going to do to him over time? ANy clue if he will make it or not?



Seeing that doesn't make me very happy. Excuse me while I go outside and have a cigarette and think about an answer.
I'll get right back to you.


Active Member
ya i know tell me about it i had a dream last night something bad happened to my tank and the anemone got messed up i didnt think ti would be this. I cant believe that happend im so mad. BUt i hope the rest will be ok.


OK, This posting will be an example for others on what not to do when an anemone disaster strikes.
Anemone entered your intake filter. I believe you were warned about that. Being a BTA they are very naturally and expectantly going to wander the tank, especially being new to the system. This is why you need to protect those intakes and power heads.
Now that's bad enough, and causes trauma to the anemone, and it might have even lost some tentacles, but I have seen where they can recover from this. There was another posting just last week about this same situation.
What makes the situation worse is cutting it out, this has caused even more trauma to the anemone, and is the example of what not to do.
Right now its anyones guess if he will make it or not, I grant that he looks better and inflated now, but the trauma caused could be enough to kill him.
What should have been done is to remove the filter intake like you did and then just leave him on the sand bed where he can make his way out of the plastic grid on his own. This requires patients, if you had done this he might have stood a better chance of survival. This is not like a coral that you can cut and it will revive or even sprout more anemones, although that is not unheard of either, but very rare. It is in fact an animal, and cutting parts of an animal off is not a good thing.
About all you can do now is run fresh carbon to help absorb any toxins that may have been released from the wounds. Watch him closely over the next several days, especially the first 24-48 hours.
If he dies then I suggest that you give up on anemones for a while, or consider a different type of host for your clown fish.


Active Member
well i appricate you help. once this happend i come on ehre and did a post but no one answered me and i didnt want to leave him in the tube since it looked alot worse and had a very bad smell to it even the room that my tank is in smelled. But i really didnt cut it he was mostly cut from the tube anyways i i know i should of left him but i figured that if he was allready cut up i didnt do it much more harm. BUt as you said time will tell. As fo right now hes looking good. I dont think has anything to do with my having an anemone so i dont see how having another one would make it a bad thing. I put that filter in one night its not like i ment to kill my anemone. I would never do something like that. Things just happend. But i will see how he does and then post it later on down the road. BUt thank you for your help.


My bubble tip got sucked into my intake a week or two ago also. Since then I have moved both intakes to the other side of the tank and reversed the flow of the tank. So when everything is where I want ti again, I will get another on and hopefully that wont happen again. Something things I can suggest you do if not already is, have your protein skimmer running all the time. You might see a spike in amonia depending on how much of him got sucked in. I had a little bit of a spike, but my entire anemime was killed the process.
But I am sorry to heard it happened to you also.


They make cylindrical sponge filters, ask your LFS if they have any or shop for them online. They can be used to cover intakes for filters and for power heads.