GBTA is hiding


Active Member
Thomas my GBTA has been hiding for the past week.
He came out for a quick tan 1 time and went back under the rock... I changed the water flow and this is what made him move under the rock, in the first place....
He is still completely attached to the rock.

Will he move on his own or do I need to help.... He is still opening(no fully) under the rock.
Thanks much Thomas


I think its time to call in a psychologist for your anemone.

I'm not sure why he keeps on doing this, maybe he was born in a lower light zone, if he keeps it up you may have to move him. Is there something about that particular rock he likes? a nice crevasse or notch in there that he likes his foot in?


Active Member
Thanks for the response Thomas,
I am not sure why he chose this rock, maybe the water flow is very minimal which he likes. :thinking: It's a private crevace, and a fine one at that, but he is just connected to the rock nothing special. Unfortunately it is not in a good place health wise. He should take up smoking or something like that if he wants to trash his health. He is hanging upside down and the clowns are not impressed with his new location. :mad:
I aimed the jets trying to send some water through his new cave and it worked a little, he moved deeper in the crevace.

How about that number for the psychologist

I thought about moving the rock but it is the main support for many rocks(of course). How do you go in there and get him out. Can I just get a small power head and aim it in there and make him move? He is at the bottom of the tank and I can not physically reach him...
He needs an attitude adjustment.


Yeah I think I'd go with the powerhead first and see if you can get him to move. If that doesn't work we will try something else. When he does land in a good spot then feed him right there.
Perhaps even entice him to go somewhere else.
For instance. I use one MJ1200 on the very right side of my tank where the spraybar ends. Wouldn't you know that is where the colony of BTA's love to be. Even the fish live on that side of the tank. Thats one powerhead that puts out 295 gph....Go figure.


Active Member
Thanks Thomas. I will get a powerhead and drive him out of his little hole. You have a colony of these guys. pretty cool..
I do not want him to die. You figure he would have a little more common sense; to come in out of the rain sort of speak.


yeah I'd say I have a colony of them. This rock is always changing. Note the MJ1200 in the upper left of the photo.


Active Member
That is awsome looking. I bet your clown is happy. :happyfish Now that is what I am looking to have. If I could get my one to knock it off. :mad: I broke out the hose and attached it to the main pump and started with a little current then slowly opened it up, he did not budge. Clowns became stressed after about 15 minuets... Not sure what else to do.

He has to eat and he needs light.... Do you think he will come out on his own at some point?


That is the female in the pic, the male continually hides in the back where they lay their eggs, he protects and fans them all the time. When there is no clutch he usually comes out.
This is the rock I would love to get rid of, that an another dozen anemones. Its getting to the point where I may have to do something drastic....sadly drastic....


Originally Posted by FISHY7
Thomas my GBTA has been hiding for the past week.
He came out for a quick tan 1 time and went back under the rock... I changed the water flow and this is what made him move under the rock, in the first place....
He is still completely attached to the rock.

Will he move on his own or do I need to help.... He is still opening(no fully) under the rock.
Thanks much Thomas
mine did the same thing. It was hiding behind rocks for a week and something. you just need to LEAVE IT ALONE !!!
I learned that through experience. I was sooo desperate to have a beatiful anemone that whenever I saw it like that I decided to move it back to the top of the tank. Then I got the same advice
!! and decided to leave it alone. after some time (a week) it came out by itself and started looking for a place. It moved several times until it found a great spot. Hasn't moved anymore since then
Just be patient


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I am getting real nervous about him dying in the tank. He has been under the rock for about 2 weeks now. He is not eating either. I feel that he will find his way out. As long as he is attached to a rock, I am ok.