Thomas pic of my RBTA's


Active Member
heres some pics of my RBTA's they r kinda of bad pics cuz all i have is my camera phone hope u can see them ok


Is this showing true color? Probably not huh. Still he doesn't look full enough no matter the color. don't you think? I know you have better lights coming and all but looking at this anemone he just doesn't look like he is at his best.
When would you say he is at his fullest, or is that it?
Still hes not bad for what you have been keeping him in, wish I could loan you my digi G5 for better shots.
How red would you say he is?
In looking at him he seems to take on trates of a majano anemone with those tenticals out on the side like that. I don't mean to be mean but I'd have to look at this guy real close to call him a Bubble tip of anykind, at least at first glance.
It will be interesting for your updates down the road when you get your new lights.


Active Member
they are both pretty red the camera phone sucks at pics and kind of cast more of an orange color to them ....
its wierd cuz the one lower keeps him self more stretched out while the other one keeps more of a bubble shape at there fullest they are about 5" in diameter....
how big are they supposed to get across??
i thought that these species were usually a smaller one cuz most the pics i c on this site show small BTA's
whats the biggest one you have seen>??
new lights and canopy will be in on friday cant wait!!!
will i notice a difference in my polpys and anemoneas going from 270W to around 400W ?? size?? color??
any comments will be appreciated :joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by murph145
how big are they supposed to get across??
whats the biggest one you have seen>??
new lights and canopy will be in on friday cant wait!!!
will i notice a difference in my polpys and anemoneas going from 270W to around 400W ?? size?? color??
any comments will be appreciated :joy:

Mine when fully inflated is around 12" across!
Congrats on the new lights. You will definately see a difference in your inverts. I sure did when I switched from PCs to MH (210w to 350w). The anemone will have brighter coloration with the new lights. As for the polyps, it depends. I have some orange polyps that are growing like mad with the new lights and their colors have never looked better. I also have some green/brown zooanthic polyps that have actually faded in color as they don't need as much photosynthetic bacteria now to survive.


Active Member
i just got my lights and canopy set up!!!! :jumping:
it didnt take me too long but i now have 398W over my tank and the new canopy the set up looks great and the lights are great too....
i have everything set on timers now....
the 2 65W dual acitnics come on first the i have the 2 65W dual daylights the 2-55W daylight/acitnic combo and 1 28W T5 daylight flourescent come on for 10 hours....
the new canopy is better now since i can lift up the whole top instead of just little opening like the old one had....
ive already noticed the better coloration on the RBTA's.... i also wonder y one stays more stretched out then the other.... i think it was because one was lower in the tank and the other more at the top of the tank....
12" across thats big hope mine get that big now that i have the new lights....
what should i do about placement of the GSP's and my mushroom coral right now they are placed more in the middle is that too much light now or are they going to be ok there??



Originally posted by murph145
what should i do about placement of the GSP's and my mushroom coral right now they are placed more in the middle is that too much light now or are they going to be ok there??

Both should be fine in the middle of the tank.


Active Member
the only ones im going to get rid of are 2 jalli - 15" 36W pc retrofits and the normal flourescents that i have which are 2 -24" 20W with acitinic bulbs and one 18" 15W with acinitc bulb
if ur interested let me know ill get rid of them really cheap they are no more than a month old