Thomas712- PLZ advise!


I would like to have some clowns in my tank but have lost 2 already within one week of purchase. I have a 44 gallon,(7 mos old), skimmer, 3 powerheads and biowheel, also 100+ lbs of LR and 4"DSB. Presently only one blue yellowtail damsel and cleanup crew. Please advise me on the care and feeding of clowns. How best to acclimate them and their preferences in water current, temp, etc. Thanks in advance!


So there are no corals in the tank, fish and live rock?
You should be following the acclimation procedure found in the left menu, under Acclimation. Drip acclimation is prefered.
Usual tank paramiters apply and you should be familier with testing for them.
Ammonia =0
Nitrates=15ppm or less
Calcium 400-450
Alkalinity 8-10 dKH
Temp 78-82
pH ave 8.0-8.4
SG or Salinity 1.024-1.026 or 35ppm
Turnover rate of 10x-15x with good surface movement.
Normal stuff really.
Question is why your clowns died in the first place and of what?
Are you getting them from a reputable source?
One of the best things to start with is the book "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson