I have been reading & doing lots of research about anemones & now that I have some knowlage I need to share this with you. My lfs has a small sw tank set up for display its about a 30g & it the tank that got me & my wife interested in sw the tank has been there for a long time. There is a Anemone in it with some clowns (percs) & other fish & lr. We asked about the tank & was told the Anemone was a bubble tip, but now I know its a sebae just buy picturs from this site, heres the interesting part, Ive been watching this tank (I live 5min away & kids love the store) for awhile & I was just there & the Anemone is HUGE its at least 10" in dia!! When I first saw it it was only about 3-4" months ago. Its under a normal hood that comes with the tank with a 50/50 bulb (only one) that can be no more than 25wats :thinking: can this be possable? I want to take a pic of it, they should let me I know them well & they have my money
its healthy & very brown, not sure of its diet, have you heard a Anemone surviving like this? Its just that logicly it should be long dead, right? I just want to know what you think!