Thomas712 you wont belive this!


I have been reading & doing lots of research about anemones & now that I have some knowlage I need to share this with you. My lfs has a small sw tank set up for display its about a 30g & it the tank that got me & my wife interested in sw the tank has been there for a long time. There is a Anemone in it with some clowns (percs) & other fish & lr. We asked about the tank & was told the Anemone was a bubble tip, but now I know its a sebae just buy picturs from this site, heres the interesting part, Ive been watching this tank (I live 5min away & kids love the store) for awhile & I was just there & the Anemone is HUGE its at least 10" in dia!! When I first saw it it was only about 3-4" months ago. Its under a normal hood that comes with the tank with a 50/50 bulb (only one) that can be no more than 25wats :thinking: can this be possable? I want to take a pic of it, they should let me I know them well & they have my money
its healthy & very brown, not sure of its diet, have you heard a Anemone surviving like this? Its just that logicly it should be long dead, right? I just want to know what you think!


Sometimes death can come to an anemone very slowly, I suspect that they are feeding it to try to supplement its food source.
Find out how long that this alleged sebae has been in their tank, and find out for sure that the lights are normal output, also what they feed it.
Supplimenting with food helps, but I'm one that firmly believes that without the proper lighting its a down hill fight. Nothing can replace the lighting forever.