I would do what Jastim suggests. Talk to the maintaince people, they more than anybody now about the building and it's structural integrity. "Captain, the Structural Integrity is collapsing, where going to fly the Enterprise apart at the seams".
Sorry I couldn't resist.
Talk with your management. If they disapprove of it, and something does happen, they can come back and sue you. You are liable for any and all damages. Talk with your insurance company as well. That way you cover your ---, you cover your neighbors, your management will be happy, and if something does happen. You might be able to get something to replace what was lost.
Look at it this way. How would you feel if your investment in this was $5000, it crashed to the floor, completely destroyed. Neighbors personal property is destroyed that you will now have to replace, and parts of the building are destroyed that you will have to pay to fix, as well as them probably kicking you out.