Thought i new how to start ?????


Man i been reading these boards for three months and learning and studying how to start a SW tank. Thought i had it down from the cycle to adding livestock. I was wrong !
I just got a new JBJ 28g HQI with lighting upgrade from N**o T****rs and was totally excited until i opened the box!!! I dont know how any of this stuff goes or where.
The instructions do not say. Guess they figured tards like me wouldnt order one unless they new how to set it up. Guess they did'nt figure on me.
The skimmer is totally confusing me. Do i run 2 airlines from the airpump into a T connector and then run one line from the T connector to the one connector on the skimmer?
Since im going to have a Reef tank w/few fish do i need to take the ceramic rings out of the tank period?
Do i need to leave the carbon in the tank?
Has someone got a good picture of the back of their tank they can post so i can see how it is supposed to look ?
Ordering my LS and 40lb of LR tommorow so i can get the sand washed and cleaned and the LR put in a tub for 2 or 3 days to get ready to start my new tank. ANY PICS are appreciated.
Is 1 inch of LS ok or do i need more?
How full shpuld i fill the tank w/water?


Why are you ordering sand and rock tomorrow? You are going to add sand and rock to an uncycled tank? Forget uncycled, you haven't even put the tank together yet!!
Do yourself a favor. Get a hydrometer, some RO, some salt, and learn how to mix to correct specific gravity levels. Run your water. Add a piece of shrimp, or other organic matter to begin cycle.
Then wait.
If you mess up any of this beginning stuff, you are going to HATE owning this tank. If you think I am exaggerating, just search this site for the guy who has "started over" 4 times, and has nothing but $4000 in debt to show for it.
You want to add your rock before your sand, because you want the rock touching the tank bottom, leaving crevices for flow/circulation. DO NOT add sand before rock, and DO NOT add rock before cycle.
Again, I know you are excited and you will do what you want, but unless you manage to come across 20 gallons of cycled water, plus a well-seeded substrate, you are not going to be ready by the time your rock gets there.
What kind of test kit did you buy?

kevin j

Let me see if i can be some help first off calm down these boards are great help so take a deep breath because it will be ok.
I cannot help you with your aquapod because i dont have one but the first step will be to get it all put together. Next get some ro or ro/di water and salt wand mix up your saltwater. start with about 20 gallons and to mix it, its about a half cup of salt for every gallon of water. so dump in your water and salt and let a powerhead mix it for you and let your heater heat up your water this will take about a day or the next step and this will differ from the other post next you put in your live and and its not about inches but a pound per gallon so you need about 28 pounds of live sand give or take if you dont have exact dont worry the sun will rise you add your live rock about a pound per gallon again and your live rock WILL cycle your tank dont worry about a shrimp there will be plunty of die off from the rock to cycle the tank. then you wait wait a few weeks then test your tank levels....when your levels come down to zero you can add your first fish...its very important to have quality water though....this is not hard just take your time i have setup several tanks and enjoy them very much just take your time
i hope this helps


I have a refractometer, Test kits, salt etc... I'm going to mix the water and run PH for 24hrs then Im going to add LR and LS and let the tank cycle. Why are you saying to not add LR and LS until tank cycles? First off i dont wana add LS after water is in tank b/c it will be a cloudy mess and second the LR will help cycle the tank. Im dont think adding LR and LS can hurt the tanks cycle.