Thoughts on a Bonnethead???


Active Member
I'm trying to think of something over the top to put in the 980 when it is finally finished. The only thing that really excites me is a Bonnethead only due to the fact that I have never heard of anyone in my area keeping one. I have already spoken to the local aquarium and they are VERY interested in aquiring a healthy specimen when he grows too large for me to take care of. Any species accounts would be great!!! I already have the Scott Michael book as well.


gasguzzler, I agree bonnets are wonderful sharks that have a lot of character. I would offer a few words of caution, though. First off what are the demensions of the tank? Bonnets will sometimes have problems with running into corners and flat walls, sometimes. If the length and width are at least three times the sharks length then you might be alright. One way to deal with the corner issue is to round off the corners of the tank with some form of flexible plexi (just make sure to allow for water flow thru the modification i.e. drill many many holes). I would also make sure that the aquarium is very serious about taking the bonnet when it grows. Having worked at an aquarium, I am well aware of curators that get fired up with the idea and then back off when administration puts it foot down due to 'budgetary reasons'. I am not trying to discourage you but to give you plenty of help so that you can fully enjoy these sharks.
As to equipment, you should have the best and largest bio-filter you can afford (or better yet build one). Bonnets need the absolute highest water quality to survive and will need STABLE conditions. Set the tank up and let it mature several months brfore you introduce the shark. I would suggest cycling the system with ammonia and have the biological filter establish well in advance. Remember you want stable conditions. Of course a protein skimmer will be absolutely necessary.
Scott Michael's book in a great source of info on bonnets. You can also do an internet search on bonnetheads to get a wealth of info on this animal. My best advice would be to be patience. Hope I've helped and let me know if you need any more. I would also definitely recommend checking out Novices' site, all I have to say is WOW!
My Shark Pages


Active Member
The dimensions of his intended tank are 10' x 4' with a 3' height. The main filter will have two 4200 gal/hr pumps which I have already aquired. The filter itself will be constructed out of a spare 125 gal I have at home. All of the rest of the components will be added after the tank install to accomodate space confines. The only thing I am unsure of is what kind of substrate to use to finish it. The tank will be run up to at least six months with the rest of my stock before introducing anything else. I was going to do a Leopard (I've raised them before) but I have fallen in love with a Bonnethead and with the new regs on Leopards, I dont know if I'll even be able to get one.


Active Member
mattiej, do you think in a 4' tank that I could get two comfortable years out of one??? This goes for you as well, Novice.


The length would be fine but I would be a little concerned with the width, since bonnets can reach 4-5 feet (in captivity you can reasonably expect it to reach just over three feet). As long as you have a home for the shark when it grows, it sounds like you have a pretty decent system. As to substrate unless you intend to have some bottom dwellers I would suggest going with a thin (>1 inch) layer of a fine coral sand and would avoid silica sand (slilica can sometimes cause irritation to a shark's ventral side). Bonnets are open water sharks therefore they will not spend any time on the bottom. The only time my guy is near the bottom is to pick up any food it didn't catch in the water cloumn. I would also be very cautious about what animals I keep with the shark. Even though bonnets are open water sharks they can still be pestered by large angels and more agressive marine fish.
It is highly recommended that you feed a varied diet and use vitamin supplements. I feed my sharks ( I also have an Atlantic Sharpnose) a combination of squid, smelt, mackerel, blue crabs, live ghost shrimp, table shrimp, and fresh whiting. I use Kent Zoe and Selcon as my supplements to the food. I also periodically will feed the sharks iodine tablets from Purina (this aids in avoiding goiter disease-a deadly possibility). On occasion I will use other fresh seafood, depending on what the fish monger has available.
Once again good luck and let me know how things go for you.


Active Member
The other tank inhabitants will be my two Bamboos, my Cali ray, a Lion fish, a Zebra Moray and my Blonde Naso Tang. That means the crushed coral is out of the question. The cost of live sand like in my 125 would also be out of the question.
As far as food goes, all of my fish already eat everything you described above. All of it gets soaked in Zoecon for at least 24 hours. (Perhaps thats the reason for my 15" 5 month old Bamboo. )
Thanks for the help, but I still need an alternative substate.


gasguzzler I would suggest you go to your local Home Depot/Lowes and see if they carry Southdown play sand. This sand is calcium carbonate sand and is fairly cheap. If they don't have it in stock ask them if they could order it. You could also try a landscaping supply company.