Thoughts on my First Setup?


New Member
So I have been thinking/researching alot on starting a small saltwater tank...
My exwife's grandpa had quite a few tanks...I believe one was 175 gallons, and it was beautiful! I first laid eyes on that three years ago, and it has taken me this long to decide that I want my own :D
I have a ten gallon tank that has never been used, and I have a brand new 29 gallon tank. Due to lack of space, the 29 is the biggest I would be able to do in my apartment...but I would like to start with a 10 gallon, and eventually move to a 29.
I was told that I could use the comination of live sand and live rock + a 15-20 gallon hang on filter on my 10 gallon tank. The combination of those three things plus a small (2 gallons or so) water change every week would be sufficient filtering for a 10 gallon setup.
I was also told that if I put a hanging 15-20 gallon filter on a 10 gallon that the filter itself would provide enough circulation without using a powerhead....your thoughts?
^Is that true?
Other than the live rock, I would like to have a Bubble Anemone (which I know they grow pretty quick, but I plan to move it to the 29 gallon), an Emerald Crab (maybe 2?), a cleaner shrimp, a False Percula Clown, and a Tomato Clown.
How is this sounding so far? I hate to get too far into planning only to realize I am making some drastic
Any help, advice, comments would be very helpful, thank you!


New Member
Originally Posted by Debris
Other than the live rock, I would like....... a False Percula Clown, and a Tomato Clown.
I actually just read the 101 tips for beginners...or whatever that thread was's very helpful, and I realized that I shouldn't keep both a False Percula and a Tomato in the same tank.....I guess my ex's grandpa did because it was a 175 gallon....and now that I think back, they pretty much each stuck to opposite ends of the tank.....
So I'm now thinking that one of each probably isn't such a good idea in a 10g.....


Originally Posted by Debris
I actually just read the 101 tips for beginners...or whatever that thread was's very helpful, and I realized that I shouldn't keep both a False Percula and a Tomato in the same tank.....I guess my ex's grandpa did because it was a 175 gallon....and now that I think back, they pretty much each stuck to opposite ends of the tank.....
So I'm now thinking that one of each probably isn't such a good idea in a 10g.....
Excellent judgment call.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Start with the 29 right off the bat. You wont be sorry...
+1 to do a salt water tank in a 10gal. is very hard because there is no room for error. If you already have the 29gal. start there. In salt water bigger is always better.