thoughts on symbiotic gobie/pistol shrimp


thoughts on if i could get by on having a gobie/pistol shrimp symbiotic relationship in a nano tank anywhere from 5 to 12, that would be the onyl fish , which gobie inparticular?


Active Member
I have an orange spot guttata goby and an unidentified pistol shrimp in my 20g. The pistol I have is not a natural host, but luckily they paired. It took them about a week to get together. The shrimp dug a lot at first, but now he has his area and has really calmed down. Any shrimp goby will pair, but you just might have trouble finding the suitable shrimp. Tiger pistols usually do best pairing with gobies.


Active Member
What grouperhead said - also the long filamented prawn goby (AKA Hi Fin Red Banded Goby or stripped goby) (pictured below) is a natural partner with a variety of pistol shrimp