thoughts on this skimmer


fission protein skimmer.
for my nano
what i can do with it, put in refugiem?
:help: :notsure: :help:



Active Member
Originally Posted by millerman
fission protein skimmer.
for my nano
what i can do with it, put in refugiem?
:help: :notsure: :help:

All i heard are bad things about that skimmer,, Garbage! I thought about getting one for my Eclipse before i cut up the hood to ADD a Better skimmer and put in a INPUT and OUTPUT or tubing into the top!


They work ok but are very touchy and picky. Many people have to change the pads weekly instead of monthly though thats kinda standard with filterfloss. HAve to beadjusted just right. and be so deep in the water.


Well i bought it off the "auction site" for cheap. so i guess i can give it a try. Is it possible for it go go in a refugiem?


you answered your own question. in this hobby you get what you pay for, i kno it sounds cliche but its the truth


umm. i didnt answer my own question i won it for a low bid. Just wanted to know what my options are with a brand new skimmer.


First set it in the tank where the nub on the side of the collection cup is no less than ~1/4 out of the water bassicaly where the grating on the bottom edge of the cup is just a little under the water. Set the skimmer pump to its lowest setting at first and you might want to double up the pads for it. When you need to change them and run out thsoe " cut your own filter pads" work better good for replacement pads.


you asked if it was a good skimmer in your first post, then put a made face and asked what was wrong with it


yeah but i was asking for opinions, i did not see your opinion other than "you get what you pay for" and i understand that, but im trying to do the best i can with the amount of money that a college student would have.
And my other question was what are my options with this, and several have posted what i can do with it...its all opinions right now. So if You want to say throw it away thats fine ill accept that, but you did not give your thoughts on the product.


sorry, im not trying to argue or bash you

totally understand the low budget, im in the same boat
And now for ur ?, dont throw it away, it will work, as Bojik said. The cheaper skimmers just seem to be finicky, and take alot of patience to get to work right. And if this skimmer does have filter pads as Bojik said it will take time to maintain. u have it, use it, nothing will happen bad if u do.