three clown fish in one tank question


WHen i started my tank after a couple of weeks i added a tank raised pair of fasle percula clowns to the tank. After one month, i added, today one more tank raised false percula but is larger then the other two. Is this a bad idea? They seem playfull all together and arent attacking eachother in any way. What do you think?


Active Member
The only problem I can forsee is if 2 try to breed they may get extremely territorial towards the 3rd one and try and kill it or just harass it anytime it gets to close to their area.
I've seen 3 in a tank before and one was an outcast but they "mostly" left it alone.


alright cool. thanks for the heads up. ill keep an eye out for any problems. You've been answering pretty much all my questions haha so thanks a lot. But one more question? can the male clown from the pair leave the original mate for the larger female i jsut added?


I have 3 in my 75g and they are like a family. The couple lay eggs all the time. The smallest hangs out with them. The three of them protect the eggs and they all sleep close together.
From everything that I've read, the largest one will be the female, the second largest one will become the dominate male and the smallest will be the juvenile male. I find it quite fascinating.
There is a great book written by: Joyce D. Wilkerson called Clownfishes. It's full of great information.