three or six


need help! i have a friend who wants a small saltwater tank in her office. what do you guys think about a eclipse three or six. do you guys have any fishes choices :D :D please let me know :eek: :eek: thanks for your reply :D
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEKING ]


i originally got into SW with an eclipse system 3, I quickly switched to a different tank, I now use the eclipse for an undesiarables/hospital tank ( i dont want to kill crabs and such just because they do what they do and had extra LR) in any case heres the problems I had with the eclipse systems (which are great for FW):
1: trickle filter is a nitrate factory
2: lighting is insufficent
3: poor water cirulation
4: cannot attach skimmer
IMO, you would be better of building your own system with the filtration you need.


Bigger is always better. The smaller the tank the faster things can get wiped out in a hurry. I would recommend at least a 15 gallon. You can get started kits from the large pet stores for like $80 - $125.
Just substitute some things and you are all set.


Are you are talking about the 3 gal. and 6 gallon acrylic mini tanks? My LFS does have an Eclipse 6 setup for saltwater and they do is to do water changes with a tank that has a skimmer. I'm guessing your friend is not planning on keeping a shark, but I would still caution she be smart about her choices.
She could have a few hermits and one fish, MAYBE. But she should decide if it will be worth the time and expense to even set the tank up at all. How about a nice Betta! Well, good luck to the both of you -Lancer


a 15t sound good :D get a skimmer and pc light with ls and lr. just one or two clowns fish an a cleanner shrimp. may be some mushrooms and stars. the eclipse would not be my choice if i would start it up ;) well any ways thanks for all the comments they are very helpful :eek: :eek: :eek: