Thumbs up Oceanic FYI


Active Member
Hi all,
I have 1 other post on here so far I am a newbie to S/W and the BioCube seemed to be the way to go for me and my daughter. I just wanted to throw some props out to Oceanic for their customer support. Almost 4 weeks ago I purchased a 29 Gal Biocube that was on clearance at a LFS. I dont know why it was on clearance all I know is that it was a display model and it was not as expensive as all of the other LFS prices were. Upon getting back into my house I took 2 steps into my dinning room and thats where the tank decided it didnt want to be held anymore
. It nearly cut the end of my middle finger off making it nearly impossible to communicate with any of the drivers on the road for the next week
. And it smashed into a million pieces on my floor, yes I counted them. It was good therapy while my blood pressure went back down :mad: . Needless to say I was off to the LFS that was selling them at a higher price to replace the jigsaw puzzle that was on my floor. I thought about going to the ER but, I figured lets see if a bandaid would do the trick first, fortunatly it worked 10 bandaids later. After it was all said and done and i was able to see a color other than red. I decided to call Oceanic and see just what I could do. I am not the type to try and get something for nothing, my proof here is I promptly went out and purchased another tank at a higher price the same day. It did take Oceanic about a week to return my phone call, but they were very good at taking care of me. After explaining my scenario I was told that I was given authorization to use the warranty. Although the leg work to be done is all mine I am going to get a full refund for what has happend. The only issue now maybe that, the LFS has the right to either give $$ back or store credit. I figure who cares, I need more stuff for the tank cuz I am just starting out, so thats fine with me. But I just wanted to pass this story along and give credit when its due.


I'm sorry to hear about your tank. It's nice to hear that Oceanic stepped up and warrantied it. That's outstanding customer service!
I've always been told to count to ten when I'm upset, but that has never worked for me. Maybe I'll try counting to a million next time, since it worked so well for you.
The middle finger, huh? Wow--that's a brutal injury. Your local Motor Vehicle Department should be able to issue you a temporary handicapped placard for your car due to your inability to communicate effectively with other motorists.
May that all-important finger heal quickly and with no deformities.


Active Member
Well one of the advantages of children are, it was easy for me to teach her to toss it up for me when I needed her too.
Come on now whos gonna get mad at a 4yr old.
ok that was a joke....


:cheer: i give them props too...
my fan was making noises and they just sent me two new ones and threw in a filter for fun...
Pretty nice to talk to too


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Well one of the advantages of children are, it was easy for me to teach her to toss it up for me when I needed her too.
Come on now whos gonna get mad at a 4yr old.
ok that was a joke....
I'd teach her that if she was mine. Oh, she's such a cutie--no one could possibly get mad at her!
I'm sure that gesture will be inherent to any children that I may have. My mother once told me, "I hope you have children that act just like you!" I am now very afraid to have kids.


Active Member
Thank you AZ, its a good thing she takes after mom. I couldnt see her with a 5 O'clock shadow.
Your mothers intuition and wishes are spot on. They do grow to be just like you. However you can only hope that he or she doesnt grow up too fast cuz its a blast when they are this young.