thurs report


Well-Known Member
for newbies i am reporting my parameters for a week just in case anyone cares. Tanks are a 20g macro algae culture tank and a 55g display. 55g has 5 dasmels, yellow tang, 2 crabs, bahama star, green brittle star, banded coral shrimp, 15 hermits, 4-5 turbo snales, rasta of finger leather coral, and star polphys(sp?).
20 g macro
ammonia 0.0
nitrIte .5
nitrAte 15 ppm
ph 8.4
55g display
ammonia 0.0
nitrItes 0.0
nitrAtes 160.0
ph 8.4
changes: nitrAtes in 20g macro dropped a bit. both tanks have now registered 0.0 ammonia for two days now. Actions taken: nothing. (well if fed the fish )


Bob, I have a question.....
On my test kit, 160 Nitrates is top of the charts. Is it on yours too? If so, you could actually be at 500 ppm or so right? I am just saying this because it sounds like you are in a full cycle right now and this is the last stage. Problem being my last stage lasted a good 2 weeks and your fish are going to start dying. I think you need to look into a QT tank or a water change immediately or else you are going to lose fish.
I wish you luck, but I would hate to see anyone loose livestock.


Well-Known Member
crazy8: yep you are right. nitrates are pegged. I am trying to be honest here and just reporting the results with a minimum of speculation. With ammonia and nitrItes down to 0.0 again let's wait a couple of days to see what happens.
Kip Thanks. maybe it is good i don't know how to spell polphys. :D


Tip Thanks. maybe it is good i don't know how to spell polphys.

Bob, I don't know if you are trying to be funny, but you are cracking me up. His name is Kip.....not Tip. Spelling definitely isn't your strong point :D


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Crazy8
Bob, I don't know if you are trying to be funny, but you are cracking me up. His name is Kip.....not Tip. Spelling definitely isn't your strong point :D

Thanks for the Tip. Have corrrected. And you are correct on my spelling abilities. What do you expect from a rocket scientist (woops engineer.)


Nice pun and I hope you clear up your problem fast. From all the posts of yours I have read it really sounds like your tank cycled again. Did you have a death or was it an addition. I know you mentioned adding macro before this happened, you may want to check your source for that.
Anyway, I am sure you have felt the heat enough. Good luck and I hope it all works out.

sinner's girl

just a honest question. How are the fish doing? esp the yellow tang and inverts? are they active as before?
good luck with getting the Nirtrates down.
Oh, and I think I missed this, what caused the nirtates to get so high and for there to be ammonia in the tank?
and how long as the 55gl been set up?


Well-Known Member
Gee someone is actually reading these daily reports :D
Originally posted by Sinner's Girl
just a honest question. How are the fish doing? esp the yellow tang and inverts? are they active as before?

No difference in any livestock. Tang actively grazing for algae. Hermits and crabs actively cleaning rocks.
good luck with getting the Nirtrates down.
Hopefully it will not be luck.
Oh, and I think I missed this, what caused the nirtates to get so high and for there to be ammonia in the tank?
In the 20g macro tank it was the feather caulpera i received. Not near as much of a problem in the 55g display. But I have added the corals in the last two weeks
and how long as the 55gl been set up?
bout 8 months or so. Tang about four months ago damsels couple months before that. crabs snales and starfish were added last jan.