Tiger Cowrie question


I just got a Tiger Cowrie snail from my LFS. I've always liked them and did my research and decided I could handle it. I've read on other websites to supplement its diet with pieces of fish and mussel. My question is this...How do I get the fish to stay near the snail? He is currently in my QT tank and it seems in a different position constantly. I placed a small piece of fish near him today put he went the other way away from it. I really don't want him to starve as his shell is awesome.


My LFS feeds his cowries with algae sheets. I had one for a very brief amount of time. It mowed down a large kenya tree, so I know they eat those. I also heard that they will eat condys.


Active Member
There are dozens of different cowries and several that could be confused with "Tiger" cowries. Some of the bad cowries will indeed eat algae, sponges, and pretty much any invert that can't protect itself (anemones are inverts.)