Time for a new POLL?


LionFish says......
Well folks it seems as if good ole LionFish got some really good fortune today. A guy that I know wants to get rid of his 180 gallon tank and I told him I would take it off of his hands. SO, I thought to myself, "Well, I have always picked basically all the fish I have bought so I'll try something new." Now, this could be interesting I thought. You see before I knew about this site I always got fish I thought would be cool BUT now that I am on this site I think it would be interesting to set up a tank based on your guys suggestion. SO, I want everybody who reads this to give their suggestions to some cool fish that you think would be awesome in my new 180 gallon. Let the poll begin.


Wow!!I would definetly be excited.My favorite is a Marine Betta.Although Parrots are nice too.Let us know what you decide!!! ;)


Staff member
Your new tank is big enough for some schooling fish....go with that. Schooling fish are cool.
BTW, what did you pay for the new setup and did it come with all the equipt?


Ooh, ooh, go aggressive!!! How about a giant squid!?!? Ha...just kidding. I agree, schooling fish would be impressive. Just like your own little ocean. But really, it'll end up being the fish you want anyways...so why ask us?? :D


LionFish says.....
Well, I got the tank ofr $200. It was a freshwater tank so I didn't get anything besides the tank. The guy is keeping the stand as a very large dresser. It will be an awesome tank when I get it set-up. Yeah, I was thinking about schooling fish. Maybe a giant school of Chromis or Firefish. Don't know yet. And Misty, why did I ask? Well thats rather simple to figure out. I respect everybodys opinion and I feel that I would like to see what you guys have to say. I have never met a group of people so dedicated to this hobby and I am sure you all have great opinions. Actually, I was planning on using all your suggestions to setup a tank made up on everybodys suggestions. I am kinda tired of picking out the same kind of fish for all my tanks so I figure you must all have good opinions, thats all. :D


Active Member
you lucky dog, i wish i could get a tank like that. well you have many choices if you want a schooling fish, for larger fish you could look into blue line snappers, porkfish, and some others. also damsels firefish, maybe some clowns?, a large school of cardinals(my fav. choice, you could maybe even mix species), i dont think a school of yellow tangs would work in it (they need 300 i think), or you could make it into an awesome reef tank with just about everything you could imagine. well those are my suggestions, hope they give you some ideas. later, bo


Active Member
trey is the slipperdick also called the puddingwife. i know there is a puddingwife wrasse but i cant remeber if it also called the slipperydick. or how about pinfish trey, they are actually pretty and kinda cool. later, bo


LionFish says.....
Well, Trey, you always seem to amaze me with all your answers. So, lets see here. I have been seriously pondering about what to do with my new tank. I have thought about fish, the kind of set-up, rock, sand, and just about everything alse. I have decided to make it a FOWLR. Believe me, the wife would probably kill me if I set-up a new reef as i am setting up a 55 gallon so she can get a Flame Angel. To be truthful, I am not going to set up an aggressive tank which is uncommon for me. You see, as much as I do love my aggressive fish it greatly limits all the fish I can have. So it will be more peaceful but not like firefish peaceful. I want it to contain an Angel preferably an Emperor or Rock Beauty. Also I would lika a Tang or 2. Preferably an Achilles and a Yellow Tang. Also, I would like a butterfly fish. Just one but I can't decide which one I like better. After that it is a pure toss-up. I like a lot of fish but I'm having a poll to see which ones would mix and match better. You mentioned a Red Sea tank. What kind of fish would that be. I have a 6-line wrasse from the Red Sea. I know my fish pretty well but I am virtually clueless to where they came from. So, thanks to all the responses. It has been helpful. Please keep em' coming.


Active Member
for butterflies i would look into raccoons, pearlscale, semirlivatus(sp?), black pyramid, and some others such as longnose, copperband, etc. some are rater fragile(im sure you know that) so choose wisely. for an angel i would go for the rock beauty. i think it is one of the prettiest angels, imperators are very pretty too. im not trying to change your choices, but for an angel i would look into a half moon( they are an incredibly gorgeous red sea species Arasfetta Asfyr(sp?) i think is there scientific name.) also i really like koran angels as well. again not tring to change your opinion but for tangs i would go with an achilles and either a powder blue or clown(clowns are notoriously agressive though). man oh man your tank is gonna be so sweet. later, bo


LionFish says......
I'm glad that you mentioned Anthias. I has completely forgot about them. They are one of my favorites and now I have enough room to get one without it being killed or eaten. I really like the Longnose Butterfly and the Raccoon Butterfly. They are pretty cool. Are also like the Sohal and Desjardinii Sailfin. Wrasses, If I have the space I might as well put my Harlequin Tusk in there before he gets too big for the 70 gallon. Anyways he will stir the sand for me. There are a lot of more ideas swirling in my head. It feels like I'm playing God with a giant tank. This tank will be the obvious centerpeice for the home. And I'm sure the wife will get her say as to what goes in it. She really likes the Clowns and Angels. Although she likes the Queen Angel while I like the Emperor. If one has to go in there it will be the Emperor. Thanks a whole bunch Trey. You have some serious knowledge which helps a lot of people. Its great to know I can ask someone about the really hard questions. Also, thanks to Grouperhead with the Butterflies. And thanks to everybody else.

mr . salty

Active Member
A couple months ago a groupe of us Michigan members met at a store that had a school of Hippo's in one tank.Talk about COOL SHCOOLING FISH. That was the coolest thing I have ever seen in a tank. There were probably 10 or more of them swimming in a group. Although your tank is not as large as thier tank,but you could easily put three or four in there.I got a picture,email me if interested...
man a 180? hmm go with a black tip everyone else thinks you can put them in a 180 hahha joking. i would go with a golden puffer, a huge lionfish, some kind of wrasse, and real cool eel (zebra maybe), and maybe a angel.
or maybe you could keep the tank a freshwater...but it is too big and too tempting to make it salt.


LionFish says......
Yeah, that BlackTip sounds tempting. LOL! But I don't need to keep this one freshwater. I have had just about all the freshwater fish I have seen around here. I do want to get an Australian Arrowana but I don't have the space in my 70 gallon with my 2 Silver Dollars, 2 Archerfish, and Clown Knife Fish. But a 180 just has to be a saltwater tank. Just can't resist. My wife would kill me if I said I was setting up a new aggressive tank with another Lion :D. Oh well, I figure that this gives me time to try whole new fish I have wanted to get for awhile now.


Personally, I would have to say the Marine Betta would have to be a choice. They are beautiful and wonderful to watch. Plus, are friendly, too, at least mine is! I wonder, do they breed in captivity? I also am becoming very fond of the wrasses....oh, choices, choices!
Good luck, have fun,


Live ones. Just kidding...LOL
I say do the rare and unusual.. A Bat Fish. You know how pretty that woild be. I heard they are very hard to keep. But you Lionfish, you could do it. :D
Godd luck
Shel :p


LionFish says......
The Marine Betta will be one of the fish I pick. I think they are pretty cool. I will probably get a Raccoon Buttefly and a couple of tangs. Can't decide which angel to get though. It is between the Emperor or Rock Beauty. Kinda leaning towards the Emperor for a tank this large. I was thinking of a Batfish too. Probably an Orbicualte if I get one. I don't know if it would fit inn with my other fish though. I also want a Valentini Puffer. I'm gonna get a square box Anthias which has the coolest markings. A harlequin Tusk will be added after all of them are in. Anymore suggestions. Thanks for all the help.


Active Member
hey lion, i wouldnt mix a valintini and a batfish. valintini's are notorious fin pickers, and the fins on a batfish is what makes them so cool. so i wouldnt do it. i would switch the valintini with something else that is a little more peaceful. later, bo PS if you dont think a batfish could go in look into a mono they are kinda like batfish and really cool too.

marine qa

I'm sorry I did not get a chance to read all of the messages above, so the fish I'm suggesting may not be compatible with you current thoughts. The suggestion is: A Red-Finned Batfish. I saw one at my LFS the other day and it was awsome. My tank is way to small to ever get one, but I could live vicariously through your new 180.